Examples of Day of Admission in a sentence
Mira i-nun Jiho-ka [[ ei ej kilu-nun] kayj]-lul choahanta.Mira-TOPJiho-NOMraise-REL dog-ACC like‘As for Mirai, Jiho likes the dogj that (shei) has ej .’ 11The ECP was originally proposed to deal with subject/object asymmetries in wh-questions.
In the connected component F', there exists a path in JT from t to ts.
If that same infant were admitted on June 3, the Day of Admission would be 3.
The acceptable range for Day of Admission is from 1 (for infants admitted on their Date of Birth) to 28, (since Outborn infants admitted more than 28 days after birth are not eligible for the database).b.
Each Beneficial Entity is the owner of or has a license, with the right to sublicense, to any Intellectual Property sold or licensed to a third party by such Beneficial Entity in connection with its business operations, and such Beneficial Entity has the right to convey by sale or license any Intellectual Property so conveyed.
For Inborn >1500 grams OR Outborn infants only, Day of Admission is the day of life on which the infant is admitted to the NICU.
To determine the Day of Admission to the NICU for Outborn infants you must know the Date of Birth and the Date of Admission to the NICU.
The related per diem rate for Day of Admission Transfer Day includes payment for Covered Services only.
If in doubt, request an explanation of the area safety rules from the Capital Development/Facilities Management Office or “designate” before entering a particular area.
Cancelled Operations on the Day of Admission for non-clinical reasons - In the event the Trust has to cancel a patient’s elective procedure on the day of admission or day of surgery for a non-clinical reason, the patient must be offered another TCI date within 28 days of the cancelled procedure date, a reasonable offer still applies.