sub-contract means the primary contractor’s assigning, leasing, making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract;
CFD Contract or "CFD" shall mean a contract which is a contract for difference by reference to fluctuations in the price of the relevant security or index;
Term Contract means the legally enforceable term contract, as defined in section 287.012, F.S., between the Department and Contractor to which these Enterprise Standard Terms and Conditions apply, including all Attachments thereto. The Term Contract is either a State Term Contract or an Enterprise Alternate Contract Source.
Key Sub-Contract means each Sub-Contract with a Key Sub-Contractor;
Smart contract means an event-driven program, with state, that runs on a distributed, decentralized, shared, and replicated ledger and which can take custody over and instruct transfer of assets on that ledger.
Multiyear contract means a contract that extends beyond a one-year period, including a contract that permits renewal of the contract, without competition, beyond the first year of the contract.
O&M Contract means the operation and maintenance contract that may be entered into between the Concessionaire and the O&M Contractor for performance of all or any of the O&M obligations;
Group contract means a contract for health care services which by its terms limits eligibility to members of a specified group. The group contract may include coverage for dependents.
Open Contract means a Contract which has not been closed out and which has not yet matured;
Sub-contracting means the primary contractor’s assigning or leasing or making out work to, or employing another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract.
Loan Contract , subject to section 15, means a contract under which a person in the course of a business carried on by him provides or agrees to provide, whether on one or more occasions, credit to another person, not being a body corporate, in one or more of the following ways —
Sale Contract means a contract providing for the sale of one or more projects to one or more contracting parties and includes a contract providing for payment of the purchase price in one or more installments. If the sale contract permits title to the project to pass to the other contracting party or parties prior to payment in full of the entire purchase price, it shall also provide for the other contracting party or parties to deliver to the municipality or to the trustee under the indenture pursuant to which the bonds were issued one or more notes, debentures, bonds or other secured or unsecured debt obligations of such contracting party or parties providing for timely payments, including without limitation, interest thereon for the balance of the purchase price at or prior to the passage of such title.
Project Contract means any contract between the District or the Corporation and any contractor or vendor regarding the construction, production or other acquisition or installation of any part of an Acquisition Project.
Master Contract means the CATS Master Contract between the Maryland Department of Budget and Management andTO Contractor dated December 19, 2005.
Connection Contract means a contract under which Distributed Generation is connected to the Network entered into by the Distributor and a Distributed Generator in accordance with Part 6 of the Code, and, for the purposes of this Agreement, the Distributor and a Distributed Generator are deemed to have entered into a Connection Contract if the regulated terms in Part 6 of the Code apply;
Privatization contract or “contract” means an agreement or
Credit-sale contract means a written contract for the sale of grain pursuant to which the sale price is to be paid or may be paid more than thirty days after the delivery or release of the grain for sale and which contains the notice provided in subsection 7 of section 60-02.1-14. If a part of the sale price of a contract for the sale of grain is to be paid or may be paid more than thirty days after the delivery or release of the grain for sale, only such part of the contract is a credit-sale contract.
Charter contract or "contract" means a fixed-term, renewable contract
Procurement Contract or “Contract” means any written agreement of the Authority for the acquisition of goods or services of any kind in the actual or estimated amount of $25,000, or more.
Spot Contract means a foreign exchange contract under which we agree to exchange money at an agreed rate within 48 hours of the contract being entered into.
Prime Contract means the contract between LOCKHEED MARTIN and the U.S. Government or between LOCKHEED MARTIN and its higher-tier contractor who has a contract with the U.S. Government.
Original Contract means the contract between the assignor and the debtor from which the assigned receivable arises;
transport contract means a contract of carriage for reward or free of charge between a railway undertaking or a ticket vendor and the passenger for the provision of one or more transport services;
Prepaid contract means a contract requiring payment in advance for funeral or cemetery services or merchandise, physical delivery and retention of which would occur after death under a guaranteed price contract or a nonguaranteed price contract. Prepaid contracts do not include a contract for the sale of merchandise or funeral or cemetery services entered into after the death of the contract beneficiary.
Customer Contract means any contract or other agreement for the delivery of goods or performance of services by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
Related Contract means: (i) in relation to the SwapClear Service, a RelatedSwapClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (ii) in relation to the RepoClear Service, a Related RepoClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (iii) in relation to the ForexClear Service, a Related ForexClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (iv) in relation to the EquityClear Service, a Related EquityClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (v) in relation to the Listed Interest Rates Service, a Related Listed Interest Rates Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures)"Relevant Auction Contract"has the meaning given to the term in the Client Clearing Annex"Relevant Business"has the meaning as described in Default Rule 15(c)"Relevant Client Clearing Business"means the Client Clearing Business conducted by a particular Clearing Member in a particular Service"Relevant Contract"has the meaning assigned to it in the Client Clearing Annex"Relevant Default"has the meaning ascribed to it in Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement - SwapClear, Rule F2 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement or Rule R2 of the RepoClear Default Fund Supplement, as applicable"Relevant FX Amounts"means, in respect of a ForexClear Option Clearing Member and a day, all amounts that are due to be received by such ForexClear Option Clearing Member on such day under a ForexClear Option Contract, ForexClear Swap Contract, ForexClear Deliverable Forward Contract and/or ForexClear Spot Contract in any ForexClear Currency"Relevant FX Liability"has the meaning assigned to it in Regulation 101"re-opening contract"means a contract arising pursuant to Regulation 30(b) or 30(c)"RepoClear Additional Payments Cap"means, in respect of a RCM on any date, an amount equal to the Clearing Member Current Collateral Balance of that RCM in connection with its RepoClear Business as at the date of the Default causing losses leading to an Insufficient Resources Determination (or, where such an Insufficient Resources Determination is made following concurrent Defaults, the date of the earliest Default)"RepoClear Business"means any transaction, obligation or liability arising out of any Fixed Income Contract