DCO definition
Examples of DCO in a sentence
The DCO is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
The clearing services provided by the DCO with respect to any Cleared Swap, and the rights and obligations of purchasers and sellers under Cleared Swaps (including rights and obligations in respect of clearing and settlement, variation payments and performance at maturity), will be governed by the rules of the DCO.
DCO Required File Set The DCO Required File Set consists of one Migration Common File, one Migration Common Validation File and one Migration Group Encrypted File, all with the same Migration Header, and so the same GroupID.
A “Cleared Error Swap” means a Cleared Swap executed on the SEF with respect to which the counterparties identify an error after the Swap is accepted for clearing by the relevant DCO.
AffirmThe term “Affirm” shall mean counterparties to a Cleared Swap verifying that they agree on the details of the transaction and taking any other actions necessary for the Cleared Swap to be submitted to the relevant DCO.