Dead-end road definition

Dead-end road. (stub road) means a road which is terminated at the boundary line of a parcel or lot but which will be extended at a later date to provide access to abutting land.
Dead-end road means any road that has only one point of vehicular ingress/egress, including cul-de-sac and looped or circular roads.
Dead-end road means a road that has only one point of vehicular access to a State highway or major thoroughfare; and shall include looped roads and cul-de-sacs which have only one point of access, immediately or ultimately, to a State highway or major thoroughfare.

More Definitions of Dead-end road

Dead-end road means a road that terminates, similar to a cul-de-sac, but providing no turn-around at its closed end.
Dead-end road means a road or a portion of a street with only one vehicular traffic outlet.
Dead-end road or "stub road" means a road which terminated at the boundary line of the subdivision but which will be required to be extended at a later date to provide access to abutting land. (Ord. 10-16B75 § 1(100.200)(part))
Dead-end road. (stub road) means a road which is terminated at the boundary line of the subdivision, but which will be required to be extended at a later date to provide access to abutting land.
Dead-end road means a road that connects to the balance of the public road system at only one point and has no turnaround at the end.
Dead-end road means a road that has only one point of vehicular ingress/egress, including cul-de-sacs and looped roads.

Related to Dead-end road

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