Examples of Deceptive acts or practices in a sentence
Deceptive acts or practices include conduct in contravention of the Massachusetts Debt Collection Regulations.
It reads in relevant part: (a) Deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any business, trade or commerce or in the furnishing of any service in this state are hereby declared unlawful..
E i t h e r a g ra ve li n e r o r a b ur i a l v au l t will s a t isfy t h ese r eq u i r e m e n t s.’’ Th e p hra se ‘‘i n m os t ar e a s of t h e co un- t ry’’ n eed n o t be i n cl u ded i n t h is dis- clos ur e if s t a t e o r loc a l l a w i n t h e ar e a( s) w h e r e t h e p r ovide r does b u si- n ess does n o t r eq u i r e a co n t a i n e r t o s urr o un d t h e c a s k e t i n t h e g ra ve.( d) General provisions on legal and cem- etery requirements— (1) Deceptive acts or practices.
DAY PACER LLC, No. 1:19-cv-01984 (N.D. Ill.) Parties: Day Pacer LLC, f/k/a College Criteria LLC, d/b/a Edutrek, EdSoup,Our School Search, College Info and Degree Spots Edutrek L.L.C. d/b/a EdSoupRaymond Fitzgerald Ian Fitzgerald David Cumming Assigned Attorneys: Jason Schall (BCP/FP)Leah Frazier Patrick RoyWilliam Joseph Hodor Alleged Conduct: Deceptive acts or practices in violation of Section 5(a) of the FTC Act and the Telemarketing Sales Rule in connection with the defendants’ telemarketing business.
Hallerud Alleged Conduct: Deceptive acts or practices in violation of Section 5(a) of the FTC Act in connection with defendants’ unsolicited calls to small businesses to induce them to pay for unordered Internet directory listings, search engine optimization services or website design and hosting services.
Harris Alleged Conduct: Deceptive acts or practices in violation of Section 5(a) of the FTC Act and the Telemarketing Sales Rule in connection with the marketing and sale of fraudulent money-making opportunities to consumers.
Deceptive acts or practices under the CPA are not always comprised of distinct conduct, but can be a series of actions that examined together are capable of deceiving the public.
Ward Alleged Conduct: Deceptive acts or practices in violation of Section 5(a) of the FTC Act, the FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule, and the Unordered Merchandise Statute in connection with in connection with the telemarketing of nondurable office and cleaning supplies.
Section .28 – Deceptive acts or practices regarding firm offers of credit Proposed § .28 applies when institutions make firm offers of credit for consumer credit card accounts that contain a range of or multiple annual percentage rates or credit limits.
Deceptive acts or practices constitute any “conduct that is likely to deceive a consumer acting reasonably.” DECEPTIVE ACT, Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed.