Decree 2555 definition
Examples of Decree 2555 in a sentence
An offer of shares of Common Stock to employees will not be considered a public offer provided that it meets the conditions set forth in Article in Decree 2555, 2010.
SFC) was created as a result of merging the Superintendencia Bancaria de Colombia and the Superintendencia de Valores (Decree 4327 of 2005, subsequently modified by Decree 2555 of 2010, Law 1480 of 2011, and Decree 710 of 2012).
In accepting the PSUs, Participant acknowledges that the Participant’s rights to vest the PSUs under the Plan, if any, have not and will not be offered, sold or distributed in Colombia or to Colombian residents except in circumstances which do not constitute a public offer of securities in Colombia within the meaning of article of Decree 2555 of 2010, as amended from time to time.
Constructora Conconcreto’s information disclosure policy is determined by Decree 2555 of 2010 or the norm that amends it, which regulates relevant information.
The legal framework through which CRCC is regulated is composed by the Securities Market Law, the Decree 2555 of 2010 and the External Resolution No. 12, 2008 of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank, as well as its internal regulations, which develop and complement these regulations, made up of the Rulebook, the Consolidated Circular of CRCC and its Operating Instructions.
In the event that the procedure established in Decree 4870 of 2011, which amended Decree 2555 of 2010, as well as the regulations which complement or amend it is used (creation of a book of tenders), the manner in which this right shall be guaranteed shall be indicated.
Based on the legal mandate, article of Decree 2555 of 2010, as amended by Decree 032 of 2015, establishes the limits on shareholdings according to the type of entity, and establishes that the Financial Market Infrastructures may hold up to 100% of the shareholdings of a central counterparty risk chamber.
CRCC as a central counterparty authorized by SFC strictly complies with the provisions of the Securities Market Law (Law 964) and Decree 2555 of 2010.
INFOVALMER S.A. supplies the information required to value investments (prices, rates, curves, margins, etc.) and has valuation methods approved in accordance with Decree 2555 / 2010 and with the instructions outlined in the Basic Legal Circular issued by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.
In accepting the RSUs, Participant acknowledges that the Participant’s rights to vest the RSUs under the Plan, if any, have not and will not be offered, sold or distributed in Colombia or to Colombian residents except in circumstances which do not constitute a public offer of securities in Colombia within the meaning of article of Decree 2555 of 2010, as amended from time to time.