PI definition
Examples of PI in a sentence
CONTRACTOR shall ensure the continuous security of all computerized data systems containing DHCS PI and PII.
To make DHCS PI and PII available to the DHCS and/or COUNTY for purposes of oversight, inspection, amendment, and response to requests for records, injunctions, judgments, and orders for production of DHCS PI and PII.
To implement appropriate and reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of DHCS PI and PII, to protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of DHCS PI and PII, and to prevent use or disclosure of DHCS PI or PII other than as provided for by this Personal Information Privacy and Security Contract.
To impose the same restrictions and conditions set forth in this Personal Information and Security Contract on any subcontractors or other agents with whom CONTRACTOR subcontracts any activities under the Agreement that involve the disclosure of DHCS PI or PII to such subcontractors or other agents.
During the term of the Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrees to implement reasonable systems for the discovery of any breach of unsecured DHCS PI and PII or security incident.