Examples of Delegate Authority in a sentence
In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to OBEC Consulting Engineers in the Amount of $257,631.10, for Bridge Street Bridge #39C111 Deck Replacement & Truss Painting Design and to Delegate Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract and Related Amendments.
The cidb, through the accounting officer shall determine and select a Successful Bidder, after having considered the recommendations prepared by the Quotation Evaluation Committee and the report(s) of the Delegate Authority based on the Quotation Evaluation Committee’s recommendations.
Liquidity riskLiquidity risk is the risk that the Fund will encounter difficulty in releasing funds to meet commitments associated with financial liabilities.
Rather, through Section 1915(c) Congress expressed its policy preference that, where a tribe has exercised its inherent authority to establish adoptive, preadoptive, and foster care placements for its Indian children, and those tribal preferences differ from those provided in ICWA, those tribal preferences would not be displaced by ICWA.B. Even If Section 1915(c) Does Delegate Authority to Tribes, the Supreme Court Has Affirmed the Constitutionality of Just Such a Delegation.
By Motion, Requiring Four-Fifths Vote, Delegate Authority To The General Manager To Sole Source The Purchase Of Landis+Gyr Advanced Metering Infrastructure Meter Equipment From Carlson Sales Metering Solutions, LLC In An Amount Not To Exceed $32,900.
In the Matter of Awarding the Design Phase Portion of the Progressive Design Build (PDB) Contract to Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC for the Lane Events Center Multi-Use Facility, and Concurrently Awarding the Land Use Planning Application (LUPA) Contract to the Satre Group, Inc., and the PDB Consultant Support Services Contract to Klosh Group, Inc., and Delegate Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contracts.
Definitions of Tabs on Manager Menu Bar: TabTasksEmployee TasksSee Employee TAL Manual for more information.Manager TasksEmployee Timesheets, Employee Balances, Time Off Approvals, Delegate Authority, FMLA Request, On Call, Attendance, and Find Employee Timesheet Group.MessagesWelcome screen with any messages for the user.Employee SetupComp.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, including the rights delegated to the Designated MTA Group Entities pursuant to this Section 2.4.4 (MTA Right to Delegate Authority), only the MTA (and no other MTA Group entity) shall have the right to rescind or modify any Delegated Rights (and any Delegation Notice) immediately by notifying the SI of the same.
That consistent with current staff delegated authority, that Council pass and enact the By-law to Delegate Authority to Approve Site Plan Applications to the Manager, Development Planning, Planning and Development Department, in the form and content as the draft By-law, attached as Appendix “D” to Report PD03247.
Mazurie, 419 U.S. 544 (1975)).206Id. at 13.207Samuel Lazerwitz, Sovereignty-Affirming Subdelegations: Recognizing the Executive’s Ability to Delegate Authority and Affirm Inherent Tribal Powers, 72 STAN.