Examples of Delivery Asset in a sentence
The Issuer or its nominee will not transfer a fractional Delivery Asset or parts of a Delivery Asset.
Upon acceptance by the Issuer of the Investor’s Application for Units, the Investor receives, in respect of their Total Investment Amount, a beneficial interest in a Portion of the Delivery Asset on the Issue Date.
The Issuer is not liable for any Taxes or other charges (i) payable by the Investor in relation to or in connection with these Terms; or (ii) payable by the Issuer or any other person on, as a consequence of, or in connection with, the purchase, sale or transfer of a Delivery Asset or rights, the payment of any coupon amount, or any other supply made under or in connection with these Terms.
Instead, you will hold a parcel of ASX listed securities (the Delivery Asset).
If you fail to do so, you will be deemed to have elected to use the Agency Sale Option and you will not be able to receive the Delivery Asset.