Department of Tax and Fee Administration definition
Examples of Department of Tax and Fee Administration in a sentence
Public Contract Code Section 10295.4 prohibits the State from entering into an Agreement for goods or services with any taxpayer, whose name appears on either list maintained by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration or the Franchise Tax Board pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 7063 and 19195, respectively, of the 500 largest tax delinquencies.
In the event a retailer has no permanent place of business in the State or has more than one place of business, the place or places at which the retail sales are consummated shall be determined under rules and regulations to be prescribed and adopted by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code section 10295.4, persons or companies identified as the largest tax delinquents by the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) or the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) are ineligible to enter into any contract with the state for non-IT goods or services.
Business Tax and Fee DivisionCalifornia Department of Tax and Fee Administration This is an advisory publication providing direction to staff administering the Sales and Use Tax Law and Regulations.
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration has ruled that in accordance with Section 1546 of the Sales and Use Tax Regulations of the Business Taxes Law Guide, whenever optional maintenance contracts include consumable supplies, such supplies are subject to sales tax.
The City shall pay Use Tax directly to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration ("CDTFA") if the out-of-state Contractor is not required to collect California Sales Tax.
At the time of bid evaluation, prior to contract award and execution, the State will verify all proposing firms and identified subcontractors as not listed as tax delinquent by the Franchise Tax Board and the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration.
Public Contract Code Section 10295.4 prohibits the State from entering into an Agreement for goods or services with any taxpayer, whose name appears on either list maintained by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration or the Franchise Tax Board pursuant to Revenue Taxation Code Sections 7063 and 19195, respectively, of the 500 largest tax delinquencies.
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration has such authority pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 34013.
Beginning in April of 1990, the State of California Board of Equalization (now the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration) started collecting the sales tax revenues for the Transportation Authority as set forth in the San Francisco County Transportation Expenditure Plan (Prop B Expenditure Plan) for a period not to exceed twenty years.