Dependent area definition
Examples of Dependent area in a sentence
Dependent area: See9 FAM 503.2-3(B), Dependent Area, for information on dependent areas as they relate to immigrant visa numerical limitations and chargeability.
Dependent area: See9 FAM 503.2-3(B), Dependent Area, for information on dependent areas as they relate to immigrant visa numerical limitations and chargeability.
Dependent adult means a person 18 years of age or older who is unable to protect the person’s own interests or unable to adequately perform or obtain services necessary to meet essential human needs, as a result of a physical or mental condition which requires assistance from another.
Water-dependent use means a use or portion of a use which cannot exist in a location that is not adjacent to the water and which is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of its operations.
movement area means that part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron(s);
Attainment area means a geographic area designated by EPA at 40 CFR Part 81 as having attained the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for a given criteria pollutant.
Agreement Area means the area to which this NSHA applies, being the land and waters described in Schedule 3.
ILUA Area means the geographical area in relation to which the Framework ILUA applies, as specified in Schedule 2 of the Framework ILUA;
Dependent student means one who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return
Adjacent area means the area outside the affected area or permit area where air, surface or ground water, fish, wildlife, vegetation or other resources protected by Chapter 1513. of the Revised Code, determined according to the context in which "adjacent area" is used, are or reasonably could be expected to be adversely affected by proposed coal mining and reclamation operations including probable impacts from underground workings. With respect to underground mining operations, "adjacent area" shall include, at a minimum, the surface areas above full coal recovery areas.
Areas means such areas within the DAS Areas that are identified in Annexure A annexed to this Agreement;
Dependent child means a child residing in an individual’s household who may legally be claimed as a dependent on the federal income tax of such individual.
Business Area means an adjacent area that is zoned by a state, county, township, or municipal zoning authority for industrial or commercial purposes, customarily referred to as "b" or business, "c" or commercial, "i" or industrial, "m" or manufacturing, and "s" or service, and all other similar classifications and that is within a city, village, or charter township or is within 1 mile of the corporate limits of a city, village, or charter township or is beyond 1 mile of the corporate limits of a city, village, or charter township and contains 1 or more permanent structures devoted to the industrial or commercial purposes described in this subdivision and that extends along the highway a distance of 800 feet beyond each edge of the activity. Each side of the highway is considered separately in applying this definition except that where it is not topographically feasible for a sign or sign structure to be erected or maintained on the same side of the highway as the permanent structure devoted to industrial or commercial purposes, a business area may be established on the opposite side of a primary highway in an area zoned commercial or industrial or in an unzoned area with the approval of the state highway commission. A permanent structure devoted to industrial or commercial purposes does not result in the establishment of a business area on both sides of the highway. All measurements shall be from the outer edge of the regularly used building, parking lot, or storage or processing area of the commercial or industrial activity and not from the property lines of the activities and shall be along or parallel to the edge or pavement of the highway. Commercial or industrial purposes are those activities generally restricted to commercial or industrial zones in jurisdictions that have zoning. In addition, the following activities are not commercial or industrial:
Passenger area means the area designed to seat the driver and passengers while a motor vehicle is in operation and any area that is readily accessible to the driver or a passenger while in his or her seating position, including but not limited to any type of glove or storage compartment accessible to passengers or driver.
Catchment Area means the geographical area covered under a Local Homeless Assistance Continuum of Care Plan, as designated and revised as necessary by the State Office on Homelessness, in accordance with Section 420.624, F.S.
Protected Space Operations means all Launch or Transfer Vehicle activities, ISS activities, and Payload activities on Earth, in outer space, or in transit between Earth and outer space in implementation of the IGA, MOUs concluded pursuant to the IGA, implementing agreements, and contracts to perform work in support of NASA’s obligations under these Agreements. It includes, but is not limited to:
Play area means an area of frequent soil contact by children of less than six years of age as indicated by, but not limited to, factors including the following: the presence of play equipment (sandboxes, swing sets, and sliding boards), toys, or other children’s possessions, observations of play patterns, or information provided by parents, residents, caregivers, or property owners.
Nonattainment area means an area so designated by the administrator, acting pursuant to Section 107 of the Act.
Dependent person means a person who cannot demonstrate financial independence from parents or persons other than a spouse and who does not meet the criteria for independence established in Section 5 of this administrative regulation.
danger area means an airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times;
travel distance means the distance an occupant has to travel to reach an exit.
Built-Up Area and/or “Covered Area” in relation to a Flat shall mean the floor area of that Flat including the area of balconies and terraces, if any attached thereto, and also the thickness of the walls (external or internal) and the columns and pillars therein Provided That if any wall, column or pillar be common between two Flats, then one-half of the area under such wall column or pillar shall be included in the built-up area of each such Flat.
Dependent children also means natural children, stepchildren, adopted children, children of a domestic partner, children placed for adoption and foster children.
headquarters area has the same meaning as given to the expression in the NRC Travel Directive as may be amended from time to time (« zone d’affectation »);
Independent living services means services and activities provided to a child in foster care 14 years
the LA area means the area in respect of which is the local authority.
Area means the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
Planning area means a planning area or a development area or a local planning area or a regional development plan area, by whatever name called, or any other area specified as such by the appropriate Government or any competent authority and includes any area designated by the appropriate Government or the competent authority to be a planning area for future planned development, under the law relating to Town and Country Planning for the time being in force and as revised from time to time;