Areas definition

Areas means such areas within the DAS Areas that are identified in Annexure A annexed to this Agreement;
Areas means areas specified in this tender in general and any other areas specified by the Officer In charge / Asst Registrar (Hostels).
Areas means the geographical areas described in the Annexure to this Constitution.

Examples of Areas in a sentence

  • Cable Yarding Areas – All Conifer trees over eight inches (8”) DBH(diameter at breast height), shall be cut and all conifer trees containing a log longer than sixteen feet(16’) to a six inch(6”) top shall be yarded to designated landings.

  • To forthwith make all repairs and/or replacements to the Licensed Areas which may arise from or be caused by the operations of the Licensee or those for whom it is at law responsible.

  • Shellfish harvest areas that are subject to intermittent microbiological contamination may be classified as Conditionally Approved or Conditionally Restricted Areas.

  • Any hardwood trees cut to facilitate logging in Cable Yarding Areas that contain a log sixteen feet(16’) to a five inch(5”) log shall be yarded to designated landings.

  • The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement creates a license in respect of the Licensed Areas only and is not a tenancy and accordingly, the Licensee is not entitled to the benefit of the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act, S.O. c.17 or the Commercial Tenancies Act, R.S.O. c.L.7 and nothing herein shall be construed as creating an interest in land or any greater right than a license personal between the parties.

More Definitions of Areas

Areas means such areas within DAS notified areas as mentioned in Annexure II of this RIO in respect of which a request has been made by the Broadcaster for carriage of its channels through the Cable Television Network of SHIVRAJ CABLE NETWORK and/or through its affiliated cable networks.
Areas means such areas within the Territory, as are specified in Annexure A, in which the Cable Television Networks of AAACloud provide signals of channels to their subscribers.
Areas is de- fined to mean Washington, Columbia River and Oregon Coast Ports, Northern California and Southern California.
Areas means such areas that are identified in Annexure A annexed to this Agreement.
Areas means the counties or sections of counties constituting the Diocese of East Tennessee as provided in the Constitution.
Areas means areas under the jurisdiction of appropriate authority:—
Areas means all areas where the hazardous substances are handled;1