Play area definition
Examples of Play area in a sentence
With this money new local amenities have been created such as a Play area, Multiple Use Games Area (MUGA), tree planting and a community orchard.
Members raised the following issues:- - Play area improvements – one particular village was in desperate need of funding for this facilityThe Big Lottery Fund had given preliminary indication of a major funding grant, the detail of which was likely to be announced in January, 2006 and likely to be looking for applications in the first half of 2006.
The daycare occupation shall be that of the landowner, must be owned andoperated by the landowner, and landowner must reside in subject home.B. No more than three (3) staff members.C. Play area to be fenced.D. Compliance with the following Staff-to-Child ratios.
Current and deposit accounts to be held at HSBC BankCouncillors to agree the appropriate account to manage the financial affairs of the council.The Clerk is authorised to transfer monies between current and deposit accounts.Transfers between current and deposit accounts will be included in the quarterly financial statement.Separate current and deposit accounts to be held for all monies relating to the Willow Wood Play area.
Provided with Elevator, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Community Hall, Badminton Court, Children’s Play area.