Deputy Leader definition
Examples of Deputy Leader in a sentence
The Deputy Leader may exercise all the functions of the Leader where the position is vacant or where the Leader is absent or is otherwise unable to act.
The Leader may, if he/she thinks fit, remove the Deputy Leader from office at any time.
If the decision is to be taken by the Cabinet, this too is shown against the decision and its members are as listed below:Cllr Holdich (Leader); Cllr Fitzgerald (Deputy Leader); Cllr Ayres; Cllr Cereste; Cllr Hiller; Cllr Seaton; Cllr Walsh; Cllr Allen and Cllr Farooq.
In addition to the Deputy Leader, the Leader of the Council must appoint at least one other councillor as a member of the executive (also known as a Portfolio Holder) for a four year term at the Annual Meeting of the Council following on from the ordinary election of all Councillors.
The Leader will appoint one of the Executive Members to act as Deputy Leader.