Deputy superintendent definition
Examples of Deputy superintendent in a sentence
Deputy superintendent (or equivalent), unit administrator, chief officers (or equivalent), executive directors, executive director – general counsel, area superintendents, special assistant to the superintendent, high school principals, high school assistant principals- 260, Directors, Supervisor C, Supervisor B, Supervisor A, Professional III, Professional II, and Professional I shall be entitled to 25 work days of vacation with full pay, excluding holidays, during each contract year.
After having furnished him with prison clothing, bedding, aluminum utensils and light chappals, the Deputy superintendent shall remove him to a cell and forthwith make arrangements for his watch and ward.
Krishna Hooda (Deputy superintendent) Ms. Poonam Gargi (Student) 2017-2018 Dr. Laxmi Beniwal Dalal(Principal) Dr. Punam Aggi(Associate Professor) Mrs.
Deputy superintendent reviews AYC’s standing order requires the deputy superintendent to review a youth’s segregation after each 24-hour period.
Deputy superintendent assists the superintendents,77( 1 9 - 2 1 April, 20 1 6 , New Delhi, INDIA) Draft papers for discussionANTRIEP Regional Workshop on Educational A dm inistration and Management:Existing Practices and Innovations and superintendents recom m end their deputy to the Education Minister and then are confirmed by the President to be appointed.