Examples of Dermal Rabbit LD50 in a sentence
No Data Dermal Rabbit LD50 (mg/kg)No Data Component Cancer List Status NTP CarcinogenKnown Anticipated IARC CategoryAmido Black No No None Potential Health EffectsInhalationMay cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
Not available Dermal Rabbit LD50 (mg/kg)Not available Component Cancer List Status NTP CarcinogenKnown Anticipated IARC CategoryAlcian Blue No No None Potential Health EffectsInhalationMay cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
Table 3.3.3.b shows how much CLS sink is available for any possible SHTS design.
N.D. Dermal Rabbit LD50 (mg/kg)N.D. Component Cancer List Status NTP Carcinogen Potential Health EffectsInhalationPhenyl Xylyl Ethane (PXE)Breathing of the mists, vapors or fumes may irritate the nose, throat and lungs.
Oral Rat LD50: 970 mg/Kg (Male) Oral Rat LD50: 790 mg/kg (female11.2 Dermal: Dermal Rabbit LD50: 1,050 mg/kg 11.3 Inhalation: Inhalation Rat, LC50: 2.28 mg/l 11.4 Eye: Data not available 11.5 Chronic/Carcinogenicity: Metam sodium lab studies have shown some carcinogenic effects in lab animals.
No Data Dermal Rabbit LD50 (mg/kg)No Data Component Cancer List Status NTP CarcinogenKnown Anticipated IARC CategoryBis(1-methylethyl) naphthalene No No None Butyl DioxitolNoNoNoneLinear alkyl phenyl ethoxylatesNoNoNone Potential Health EffectsInhalationBis(1-methylethyl) naphthaleneBreathing of the mists, vapors or fumes may irritate the nose, throat and lungs.
DERMAL TOXICITY: Dermal Rabbit LD50: > 2,000 mg/kgMUTAGENICITY: Not Determined SENSITIZATION: Not a sensitizer TERATOGENICITY: Not Determined REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: Not Determined TARGET ORGAN EFFECTS: Not DeterminedADDITIONAL INFORMATION: no additional information.
Oral: Rat: LD50: (mg/kg): 8.4 Dermal: Rabbit LD50: (mg/kg): > 200Inhalation: Rat: LC50: (mg/L/4hr): Not availableACUTE TOXICITY SKIN CORROSION/IRRITATIONSERIOUS EYE DAMAGE/EYE IRRITATIONRESPIRATORY SENSITIZATION Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Causes serious eye irritation.Local effects: Eye: Rabbit; Irritancy test; Result: Irritant.Due to lack of data the classification is not possible.
No Data Dermal Rabbit LD50 (mg/kg)No Data Component Cancer List Status NTP CarcinogenKnown Anticipated IARC CategoryBromophenol Blue No No None Potential Health EffectsInhalationMay cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
The village incorporated in 1874 at which time the population of the approximately 700.