Examples of Body Weight in a sentence
Calculation of Expected Body Weight in Adolescents With Eating Disorders.
RfD x RSC) x Body Weight / (FCR x BCF) where: WQS = water quality standard or criteria; RfD = reference dose; RSC = Relative Source Contribution; FCR = fish consumption rate (based upon 17.5 gm/person-day); BCF = bioconcentration factor, or bioaccumulation factor (BAF), as appropriate.
RfD) x Body Weight / (FCR x BCF) where: WQC = water quality criterion RfD = reference dose FCR = fish consumption rate (17.5 gm/person-day) BCF = bioconcentration factor BCF values are based on U.
It doesn’t make any difference whether that alcohol comes from “a couple of beers,” or from two glasses of wine, or two shots of hard liquor .Approximate Blood Alcohol ContentDrinks Body Weight in PoundsEffects 100120140160180200220240 continued 7 .26 .22 .19 .16 .15 .13 .12Figure 2.22As BAC continues to build up, muscle control, vision, and coordination are affected more and more .
RfD) x Body Weight / (WCR + (FCR x BCF)) where: WQC = water quality criterion RfD = reference dose FCR = fish consumption rate (17.5 gm/person-day) BCF = bioconcentration factor WCR = water consumption rate (assumed to be 2 liters/day for adults) The equations listed in this subparagraph will be used to develop water criteria or standards on a case-by-case basis for toxic substances that are not presently included in the water quality standards.
Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records.
The formula uses the Sinclair Body Weight Coefficients (which change every 4 years) and the Malone-Meltzer Age Coefficients which remain static.Only first place winners are eligible for an Age Group Best Lifter Award and the Overall Best Lifter in the championship is selected from the Age Group winners by virtue of having the highest number of SMM points.
Levofloxacin Dosing Regimen in Severely Morbidly Obese Patients (BMI ≥40 kg/m2) Should Be Guided by Creatinine Clearance Estimates Based on Ideal Body Weight and Optimized by Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.
Reimer RA (2006) Effects of Prebiotic Fiber Supplementation on Body Weight and Satiety Hormones in JCR:La-Corpulent Rats.
Ideal Body Weight = a body weight selected for a specific individual or group based on both empirical and scientific evidence that provides an optimum level of performance 8.