Designated Laboratory definition
Examples of Designated Laboratory in a sentence
Officially Designated Laboratory: An officially designated laboratory is a commercial laboratory authorized to do official work by the regulatory agency, or a milk industry laboratory officially designated by the regulatory agency for the examination of producer samples of Grade 'A' raw milk for pasteurization and commingled milk tank truck samples of raw milk for drug residues.
Designated Laboratory Program: Having laboratory services rendered at a Designated Laboratory Facility is voluntary; however, it can produce substantial savings to the Employee.
Confirmation tests (load and producer trace back/permit action) shall be performed in an Official State Laboratory, or Officially Designated Laboratory or by a Certified Industry Supervisor.
A producer trace back/permit action test is performed after a screening test positive load is identified by an Official Laboratory, Officially Designated Laboratory or Certified Industry Supervisor using the same or an equivalent (M-I-96-10, latest revision) test as was used to obtain the screening test positive (load confirmation).
Post holders will be based at one of the Forces Designated Laboratory locations and be responsible for Investigations around Visual & Audio Evidence, interpreting evidence in a suitable format acceptable & admissible in Judicial Proceedings.