Examples of Approved laboratory in a sentence
Approved laboratory de- vices with perforations for use in sepa- rating particles of various sizes.
Approved laboratory tests are the following waived screening tests: glucose monitoring devices (FDA cleared/home use) 9221, cholesterol 1020, HDL cholesterol 2550, triglyceride 6118, and glycosylated hemoglobin (Hgb A1C) 2204, and SARS-CoV-2.
If any test is ordered by the Architect/ Consultant which is eitherIf so intended by or provided for or ( in the cases above mentioned ) is not so particularized, or though so intended or provided for but ordered by the Architect/ Consultant to be carried out by an independent person at any place other than the site or the place of manufacture of fabrication of the materials tested or any Government/ Approved laboratory, then the cost of such test shall be borne by the contractor.
Approved laboratory tests are the following waived screening tests: glucose monitoring devices (FDA cleared/home use) 9221, cholesterol 1020, HDL cholesterol 2550, triglyceride 6118, and glycosylated hemoglobin (Hgb A1C) 2204.
Th e Ad m i n is t ra t o r of t h e Ag r ic u l t ura l M ar k e t i n g S e r viceo r any o t h e r office r o r e m plo y ee of t h e Ag r ic u l t ura l M ar k e t i n g S e r vice of t h e Dep ar tm e n t t o w h o m t h e r e ha s h e r e- t ofo r e bee n deleg a t ed, o r t o w h o m t h e r e m ay h e r e af t e r be deleg a t ed t h e au t h o r i t y t o a c t i n h is s t e a d.( c) Approved laboratory.