Designated SOFR Swap Rate Page definition

Designated SOFR Swap Rate Page means the page entitled “USD SOFR (11:15am NY)” that can be accessed on the Bloomberg Professional Services service (or any other page or screen that replaces that page or screen on the Bloomberg Professional Services service or such other service or services as may be nominated for the purpose of displaying rates for U.S. dollar swaps referencing SOFR by IBA or its successor or such other entity assuming the responsibility of IBA or its successor in calculating rates for U.S. dollar swaps referencing SOFR in the event IBA or its successor no longer does so).

Related to Designated SOFR Swap Rate Page

  • Designated CMT Telerate Page means the display on Moneyline Telerate, or any successor service, on the page designated on the face hereof or any other page as may replace that page on that service for the purpose of displaying Treasury Constant Maturities as reported in H.15(519). If no page is specified on the face hereof, the Designated CMT Telerate Page shall be 7052, for the most recent week.

  • 5-year Mid-Swap Rate Quotations means the arithmetic mean of the bid and offered rates for the annual fixed leg (calculated on a 30/360 day count basis) of a fixed-for-floating euro interest rate swap transaction which:

  • 5-year Mid-Swap Rate means, in relation to a Reset Interest Period and the Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date in relation to such Reset Interest Period:

  • Mid-Swap Rate means, in relation to a Reset Determination Date and subject to Condition 3(b)(ii), either:

  • Swap Rate means a charge by the Company for the interest cost and associated costs (positive or negative) incurred in relation to the overnight rollover (s) of an open position;

  • Bloomberg Screen SOFRRATE Page means the Bloomberg screen designated “SOFRRATE” or any successor page or service;

  • Designated LIBOR Page means the display on Reuters Screen, LIBOR01 Page or any successor service or any page as may replace the designated page on that service or any successor service that displays the London interbank rates of major banks for U.S. Dollars.

  • Mid-Market Swap Rate Quotation means a quotation (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) for the relevant Mid-Market Swap Rate;

  • LIBOR Page means either: (1) if “LIBOR Reuters” is specified on the face hereof, the display on the Reuter Monitor Money Rates Service (or any successor service) on the page specified on the face hereof (or any other page as may replace that page on that service) for the purpose of displaying the London interbank rates of major banks for the LIBOR Currency; or (2) if “LIBOR Moneyline Telerate” is specified on the face hereof or neither “LIBOR Reuters” nor “LIBOR Moneyline Telerate” is specified on the face hereof as the method for calculating LIBOR, the display on Moneyline Telerate (or any successor service) on the page specified on the face hereof (or any other page as may replace such page on such service) for the purpose of displaying the London interbank rates of major banks for the LIBOR Currency.

  • Mid-Market Swap Rate means for any Reset Period the mean of the bid and offered rates for the fixed leg payable with a frequency equivalent to the Original Mid-Swap Rate Basis (calculated on the day count basis customary for fixed rate payments in the Specified Currency as determined by the Calculation Agent) of a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap transaction in the Specified Currency which transaction (i) has a term equal to the relevant Reset Period and commencing on the relevant Reset Date, (ii) is in an amount that is representative for a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time with an acknowledged dealer of good credit in the swap market and (iii) has a floating leg based on the Mid-Swap Floating Leg Benchmark Rate for the Mid-Swap Maturity (as specified in the applicable Final Terms) (calculated on the day count basis customary for floating rate payments in the Specified Currency as determined by the Calculation Agent);

  • Mid-Swap Floating Leg Benchmark Rate means EURIBOR (if the Specified Currency is euro), LIBOR for the Specified Currency (if the Specified Currency is U.S. dollars, Pounds Sterling or Swiss Francs), CIBOR (if the Specified Currency is Danish Kroner), NIBOR (if the Specified Currency is Norwegian Kroner), STIBOR (if the Specified Currency is Swedish Kronor) or (in the case of any other Specified Currency) the benchmark rate most closely connected with such Specified Currency and selected by the Calculation Agent in its discretion after consultation with the Issuer;

  • Interest Rate Option means any LIBOR Rate Option or Base Rate Option.

  • Bond Equivalent Yield means a yield (expressed as a percentage) calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  • Interest Rate Period means any Daily Interest Rate Period, Weekly Interest Rate Period, Short-Term Interest Rate Period, Long- Term Interest Rate Period or ARS Interest Rate Period.

  • Moneyline Telerate Page 3750 The display page currently so designated on the Moneyline Telerate Information Services, Inc. (or any page replacing that page on that service for the purpose of displaying London inter-bank offered rates of major banks).

  • Designated CMT Maturity Index means the original period to maturity of the United States Treasury securities (either 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20 or 30 years) specified on the face hereof with respect to which the CMT Rate will be calculated. If no such maturity is specified on the face hereof, the Designated CMT Maturity Index shall be 2 years.