Designated Specialty Pharmacy definition
Examples of Designated Specialty Pharmacy in a sentence
The Proposed Spin-out Transaction is currently expected to proceed in accordance with the following indicative timetable: EventDateDespatch Notice of Meeting11 May 2021Evolution lodges prospectus with ASIC and ASXJune 2021General Meeting to approve the Spin-Out of the Chilalo Graphite Project11 June 2021IPO closing dateJuly 2021Issue of Evolution Shares pursuant to IPO, commencement of trading on ASXJuly 2021 Note: these dates are indicative only and are subject to change.
Medical Exception Process” for information on how to appeal an excluded drug.M. Grace Fill for Specialty Drugs means that an enrollee is allowed to have the First Fill of certain Specialty Drugs/Medications dispensed from a Pharmacy other than the Designated Specialty Pharmacy.
Grace Fill for Specialty Drugs means that an enrollee is allowed to have the First Fill of certain Specialty Drugs/Medications dispensed from a Pharmacy other than the Designated Specialty Pharmacy.
See Contact Information, page 151, for details.If Your DAW Exception Request is granted and You fill Your Prescription for a non-preferred Brand-Name Drug at a Network Pharmacy or through a Mail Service Pharmacy or the Designated Specialty Pharmacy, You pay the non-preferred copayment.
Designated Specialty Pharmacy means a pharmacy that has entered into an agreement with the Prescription Drug Program administrator to provide specific Specialty Drugs/Medications.
If a Specialty Prescription Drug is obtained from a Pharmacy other than the Company's Designated Specialty Pharmacy, the drug will not be covered.
All terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions described in the “Prescription Drug Services” section of this COC except the requirement that specialty drugs be obtained at Fairview Specialty Pharmacy or other Designated Specialty Pharmacy apply when certain prescription drugs are administered or received during an outpatient hospital, ambulatory surgery center or surgical facility visit.
CopaymentsSubstitute the following for the “Copayments” section in “Your Benefits and Responsibilities” on page 245 of your Empire Plan Prescription Drug Program Certificate in your 2009 “NYSHIP General Information Book and Empire Plan Amendments”:Effective September 1, 2014:Copayments for covered drugs are based on the drug, the days’ supply and whether the Prescription is filled at a Network Pharmacy or a Mail Service Pharmacy or the Designated Specialty Pharmacy.
If your appeal is approved, upon request, the insurer will adjust claims processed by a pharmacy within 30 days from the date UnitedHealthcare received all information needed to decide the appeal.If your appeal is granted and you fill your prescription for a Brand-Name Drug at a Network Pharmacy or through a Mail Service Pharmacy or the Designated Specialty Pharmacy, you pay the Non-Preferred copayment.
Effective October 1, 2014, Vaccination Network Pharmacy means an Empire Plan Pharmacy, other than a Mail Service Pharmacy or the Designated Specialty Pharmacy, that has entered into a contract with the Empire Plan Prescription Drug Program administrator to administer covered seasonal and non-seasonal preventive vaccinations when administered by a licensed pharmacist, or, when authorized by applicable law or regulation, a pharmacy intern.