Detainee definition

Detainee means any person captured, detained, held, or otherwise under the effective control of DoD personnel (military or civilian) in connection with hostilities. This includes, but is not limited to, enemy prisoners of war, civilian internees, and retained personnel. This does not include DoD personnel or DoD contractor personnel being held for law enforcement purposes.
Detainee means a person in the custody or under the physical control of the Department of Defense on behalf of the United States Government as a result of armed conflict or other military operation by United States armed forces.
Detainee means a person who is detained in a detention centre;

Examples of Detainee in a sentence

  • Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit the County’s right to refuse to accept City Detainees for confinement in Jail when they are deemed by the County to be in need of urgent medical or psychological care, nor to return custody of such inmates back to the City if the City Detainee is admitted to the hospital or psychiatric facility.

  • It is the parties’ express intent that all Section 1 fees constitute a unified package of financial consideration to Libre in exchange for Libre’s assumption of financial risk, its program and package of services, and any other benefits conferred to You and/or the Detainee pursuant to this Agreement and Exhibit A hereto.

  • Your obligation to pay further Program Fees will end once You and/or the Detainee have paid Libre total Program Fees equal to the face value of the Detainee’s bond, even if all the Program Fees required by Section 1.2 have not yet been paid.

  • It is Libre’s goal to help the Detainee remain out of immigration detention and help them remain in compliance with their bond conditions.

  • As a condition of this Smartphone Offer, the Detainee must agree to execute a separate lease agreement with Libre, as Libre may require or amend from time to time, that specifies certain terms and conditions of this offer.

More Definitions of Detainee

Detainee means any individual confined in a temporary holding facility. “Detention area” means that portion of the facility used to confine detainees. “DOC” means the Iowa department of corrections.
Detainee means a person held with no criminal charges.
Detainee means a person who is detained in a detention centre, as defined in the Young Offenders Act 1994 section 3;
Detainee means a person serving a period of detention under a sentence order.
Detainee means an alien detained by the DoD as an alleged enemy combatant at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
Detainee means a person who is detained in the custody of any of the following –
Detainee means a person who is detained under an emergency law that provides for preventive detention;