Examples of Detection device in a sentence
To report any issues under the Limited Warranty, You must submit a warranty request, including reasonable documentation of each issue, by email to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx for an issue with any Discover Advanced Mobile Leak Detection device and related Software and xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx for the sale of any other Heath-branded equipment or device and related Software within the (10) days of the occurrence of each issue.
Network Protection Device A product such as a Firewall or Intrusion Detection device that selectively blocks packet traffic based on configurable and emergent criteria.
The system incorporates the following: Step 1) Above the Line/Below the Line chemical size up using only the chemical name.Step 2) Streamlined chemical research process based on only seven (7) chemical and physical propertiesStep 3) Detection device selection: CGI, PID, FID, pH paper, Temperature gun, KI paper, etc.
Detection device batteries should be tested monthly and replaced at least twice a year.
JPL has been developing bacterial spore detection technology that could easily be integrated into the Universal Detection device.
The era of big data brings new opportunities and challenges to medical field.
Detection device types and their functions Programming methods used for setting detector sensitivitySkills:Interpret plans and specifications to determine required sensitivity settings.Interpret and follow manufacturer specifications for setting detector sensitivity.
In addition to being an edge security device, product needs to function as an Intrusion Protection/Intrusion Detection device and URL Filtering Device, Malware/File integrity checks, sandboxing, and threat intelligence feeds.
The only difference they have is the kind of the governor tripping system each of them uses: cable or toothed belt.1.4.1 UCM/PICD SYSTEMUCM-PICD system is composed of:• Detection device (EM-17 control module)• Tripping device (toothed belt overspeed governor LM18CD+AD or LF18CD+AD) equipped with an anti-creep (parking) system.• Braking device (instant safety gear IT100 o IT140).
The only difference they have is the kind of the governor tripping system each of them uses: cable or toothed belt.1.4.1 UCM/PPCD SYSTEMUCM-PPCD system is composed of:• Detection device (EM-17 control module)• Tripping device (toothed belt overspeed governor LM18CD+AD or LF18CD+AD) equipped with an anti-creep (parking) system.• Braking device (progressive safety gear SLC2500).