Developer Partner definition

Developer Partner means a partner who develops an Application or otherwise accesses, connects to, or uses the Podium APIs.
Developer Partner or “Developer Partners” has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
Developer Partner means a Partner that develops an Application (i.e. a Partner that provides a customized experience for Users that requires usage and access to Mirakl APIs). Developer Partner is entitled by Mirakl to develop services or Applications. Subject to compliance with MCO Terms of Services, Mirakl will grant Developer Partner access to Mirakl API and its related Documentation. This access is granted solely for the purpose of developing services or applications in relation to MCO Services and in order to provide services to other Users.. Mirakl API and related Documentation shall be treated by Developer Partner as Confidential Information and in strict compliance with the confidentiality provisions of the MCO Terms of Services. Developer Partner warrants that it will not in any way infringe Mirakl’s rights, including any intellectual property rights and that it will not use the Documentation for any purposes not contemplated in the MCO Terms Services, including for the purpose of designing, performing, providing or selling services similar, equivalent or substitute products or services to MCO or MCO Services or any other Mirakl’s product or service. Developer Partner shall not (1) provide incentives in exchange for reviews of their applications or services, (2) include code in an Application that is not related to the services provided by the Application (including code for the purposes of cryptocurrency mining), or (3) distribute an Application with the purpose of criminal or unlawful activity. Mirakl grants Developer Partner a limited right to use the Mirakl trademarks or Mirakl’s intellectual property rights for the sole purpose of notifying Users (Operators or Sellers) that its application or service is compatible with MCO Services. Developer Partner’s Applications or service offers in relation with MCO Services are subject to approval and acceptance by Mirakl, and Mirakl retains the right to take any action it deems necessary in respect of an Application or a service at any time for any reason.Developers Partner must follow all Mirakl guidelines set out in the documentation provided by Mirakl (i.e. “Getting your App approved”) with respect to their Application or service.

Examples of Developer Partner in a sentence

  • To the extent you are accessing or using the Podium API as a Developer Partner, and not for your own personal benefit as a Podium Client, you are also subject to and hereby agree to the applicable provisions of the Partner Terms.

More Definitions of Developer Partner

Developer Partner means a person who provides money to pay for, or contributes to, Project Costs.

Related to Developer Partner

  • Lead Partner means the lead partner of a joint venture, as described in Sub-Clause

  • Partner means any General Partner or Limited Partner.

  • Developer means the legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or of any land proposed to be included in a proposed development, including the holder of an option or contract to purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.

  • General Partner has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Limited Partner means, prior to the admission of the first Additional Limited Partner to the Partnership, the Initial Limited Partner, and thereafter any Person named as a Limited Partner in Exhibit A, as such Exhibit may be amended from time to time, upon the execution and delivery by such Person of an additional limited partner signature page, or any Substituted Limited Partner or Additional Limited Partner, in such Person’s capacity as a Limited Partner of the Partnership.