Examples of Device Type in a sentence
Device Type AppropriateNeutralInappropriateDIsagreement IV = intravenous; PICC = peripherally inserted central catheter; US = ultrasonography.
Update the device information such as Device Type, Device Label, Device Options, and Zoneassignments.4. Click OK.
Licensee may continue to manufacture, use, sell or distribute Licensed Product which belongs to Device Type Registered in accordance with requirements prior to Change after the Date of Effect, so long as such Registration remains in effect.
The SMD number listed above represents the Federal Stock Class, Device Type, Device Class Designator, Case Outline, Lead Finish and RHA Designator (where applicable).
Licensee shall not use, transfer, lease, sell, or offer to sell or otherwise dispose of a Licensed Product of certain Device Type until such Device Type has been Registered.