Digitized signature definition

Digitized signature means an embeddable image of a person’s handwritten signature;
Digitized signature means an electronic representation of an actual handwritten signature in which the image of a handwritten signature is created and saved using various methods, such as using a signature pad, scanning a handwritten signature, or digital photography. A digitized signature may be captured at the time the user applies the signature, or a previously saved image may be applied.
Digitized signature means a graphic image of a handwritten signature.

Examples of Digitized signature in a sentence

  • Digitized signature, as described in Section 12950.5 of the Vehicle Code.

  • Digitized signature: an electronic representation of a handwritten signature.

  • Digitized signature solutions such as PenOp entail capture of the image of a signature using a stylus and digitizing pad.

  • Digitized signature access is secured from unauthorized access due to the use of the Evisions software.

  • The following types of electronic signatures can be utilized:  Electronic signature statement (digital signature)  Digitized signature (actual signature converted to electronic image) If the application allows auto-authentication or auto-signatures this functionality is prohibited.

More Definitions of Digitized signature

Digitized signature means an electronically applied, accurate, and unaltered image of a person’s handwritten signature.
Digitized signature means a graphical image of a handwritten signature.
Digitized signature means a graphical image of a handwritten signature that is created, generated or stored by electronic means.
Digitized signature means a computerized representation of a person’s handwritten signature.
Digitized signature means an electronically
Digitized signature means a computerized representation
Digitized signature means a computerized representation of a person's handwritten signature.