E-Signature means the process of attaching to or logically associating with an Electronic Transmission an electronic symbol, encryption, digital signature or process (including the name or an abbreviation of the name of the party transmitting the Electronic Transmission) with the intent to sign, authenticate or accept such Electronic Transmission.
Signature means a tangible symbol or an electronic signature that evidences the signing of a record.
Your Signature (Sign exactly as your name appears on the face of this Note)
Signatory means an individual who authenticates a record and is bound by its terms.
Facsimile signature means a reproduction by engraving, imprinting, stamping, or other means of the manual signature of an authorized officer.
Witness Signature Witness Name:
Specimen means tissue, hair, or a product of the human body capable of revealing the presence of drugs or their metabolites, as approved by the Untied Stated Food and Drug Administration or the Agency for Health Care Administration.
duly sign means a Declaration Certificate for Local Content that has been signed by the Chief Financial Officer or other legally responsible person nominated in writing by the Chief Executive, or senior member / person with management responsibility(close corporation, partnership or individual).
Signature Date means the date of signature of this Agreement by the Party signing last;
Digital Signature means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3;
Facsimile means an exact copy or likeness which is electronically transmitted for instant reproduction.
Manual means a document or a set of documents that provide written instructions to staff of the Owner;
Authorized Signature means the signature of an individual authorized to receive funds on behalf of an applicant and responsible for the execution of the applicant’s project.
Authorised Signatories means any two authorised officers of the Issuer signing jointly.
Signatories means those companies or industry participants who sign this Voluntary Agreement, which shall include (but not be limited to) Equipment Manufacturers, Software Providers, Conditional Access Providers, Component Manufacturers and Service Providers.
Authorized Persons means such officers or such agents of a Fund as have been properly appointed pursuant to a resolution of the appropriate Board or Executive Committee, a certified copy of which has been provided to the Custodian, to act on behalf of the Fund under this Agreement. Each of such persons shall continue to be an Authorized Person until such time as the Custodian receives Proper Instructions that any such officer or agent is no longer an Authorized Person.
Signed means bearing a signature or representation of a signature affixed by mechanical means or an electronic symbol or process attached to or logically associated with an electronic communication and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the electronic communication;
Contract Signature Page(s) means the State of Utah cover page(s) that the State Entity and Contractor sign.
Authorised Signatory means, in relation to any Obligor, any person who is duly authorised and in respect of whom the Administrative Agent has received a certificate signed by a director or another Authorised Signatory of such Obligor setting out the name and signature of such person and confirming such person’s authority to act.
Counterpart means a counterpart to this Agreement entered into by a Subsidiary of Borrower pursuant to Section 21 hereof.
Signing means the signing by the Parties of this Agreement;
Signature Document means the document executed by both Parties that specifically sets forth all of the documents that constitute the Contract.
Email has the meaning given in Clause 29.1;
Facsimile (FAX) prescription means a written prescription or order that is transmitted by an electronic device over telephone lines that sends the exact image to the receiving pharmacy in hard copy form.
Executed means the Vendor should have achieved the criteria specified in the Technical criteria of PQR even if the Contract has not been completed or closed
Fascia Sign means a sign attached to, marked or inscribed on, erected or placed against a wall forming part of a building, or supported by or through a wall of a building and having the exposed face thereof on a plane approximately parallel to the plane of such wall and includes a painted wall sign and an awning sign. A fascia sign shall not include any other sign defined in this By-law unless otherwise stated;