Examples of Handwritten signature in a sentence
Subjects provided for on a single Office or World Intellectual Property Organization form may be contained in a single paper.(d)(1) Handwritten signature.
Please choose one of the following options: Handwritten signature Date………………….
They both changed their last names to Whitewood, a combination of their surnames.
Handwritten signature recognition computer system is interactive and has methods for the acquisition and processing of bio kinetic information associated signature, in order to assess the authenticity of the handwritten signature dynamic.
Handwritten signature features are classified in to two groups: global and local.
Handwritten signature or secured electronic signature If you do not have a secured electronic signature or a data box you have to print the complaint, sign it manually and deliver it by post or in person to the Office of the Financial Arbitrator.
Handwritten signature must appear on both the first and last page of each set of minutes to verify the sighting and acceptance of the President.
Handwritten signature is used worldwide in different situations [2]: 1.
These General Terms and Conditions shall come into force as at the eighth day from the date of their announcement in the Official Gazette of the City of Zagreb.Subsidiary Director: MSc Ana Preost Handwritten signature Stamp: ZAGREB HOLDING LTD.
The Office may dispose of duplicate copies of correspondence in the file of an application, patent, or other proceeding.(c) Since different matters may be considered by different branches or sections of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, each distinct subject, inquiry or order must be contained in a separate paper to avoid confusion and delay in answering papers dealing with different subjects.(d)(1) Handwritten signature.