Examples of Direct recharge in a sentence
Direct recharge through karst features is the most likely pathway for contaminants entering this water supply.
The following are the major types of projects and management actions that can be developed to supplement the Forebay Aquifer Subbasin’s groundwater supplies: • Direct recharge through recharge basins or wells• Indirect recharge through decreased evapotranspiration• Reoperation of reservoir releases to achieve greater or more regular recharge• Demand management The projects and management actions for this GSP are listed in Table 9-1.
The environmental significance assessment methodology is based on the following determination: Environmental Significance = Overall Consequence x Overall Likelihood Determination of ConsequenceConsequence analysis is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative information and the outcome can be positive or negative.
Direct recharge is based on the surface spreading and percolation of precipitation and applied water supplies in basins or ponds.
The following are the major types of management actions and projects that can be developed to supplement the Upper Valley Aquifer Subbasin’s groundwater supplies: • Direct recharge through recharge basins or injection/dry wells• Indirect recharge through decreased evapotranspiration (ET)• Reoperation of reservoir releases to achieve greater or more regular recharge• Demand management The management actions and projects for this GSP are listed in Error! Reference source not found..Table 9-1.
Direct recharge projects that utilize the groundwater basin as a storage facility and allow for the extraction of stored water for use during drought and high demand periods were identified, designed, and constructed.
Direct recharge from rainfall is very minor, however on higher alluvial slopes of the southwestern mountains, precipitation can be sufficient for recharge by direct infiltration.
Direct recharge is based on the surface spreading and percolation of water supplies in basins or ponds (such as the District’s Famoso Project Basins).Banking partners include the Zone 7 Water Agency (located in the Livermore area) and the Dudley Ridge Water District (located in Western Kings County).
Priority and alternative projects described in this section generally fall into one of three primary types or mechanisms that promote or enhance sustainable groundwater management: Direct recharge, in-lieu recharge, and reduction of non-beneficial evapotranspiration (ET).
These are:• Direct recharge by rainfall falling onto open mine workings;• Groundwater, recharged and infiltration after rainfall;• Surface streams that lose water directly to mine openings;• Enhanced water seepage from tailings; and,• Water loss from sewage and storm water reticulation systems.