Direct Use definition
Examples of Direct Use in a sentence
No Direct Use Requirement Individual quota not in direct use by the owner of the corresponding percentage share does not have to be sold and will not revert back to the management program.
The Indirect Use fee is applied whenever the Direct Use fee is not applied.
This estimate is 1 days' notice for a change or delay in the 6 day batch cycle or 5 days in an average month (30.5 days) which is approximately 15% of the Direct Use fee.
For example, the Indirect Use tank fee is a percentage of the applicable Direct Use fee based on the impact that an average outage for an average batch or batch train would impose on other pipeline shippers if the batch or batch train was delayed or cancelled.
The fuel capsule has also been utilized for the irradiation characteristics test of Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel in CANDU Reactors (DUPIC) fuel and advanced PWR fuel pellets.