Examples of Material medium in a sentence
Due to the fact that the number of Components is only one, the Composition Method is set to byatoms.The Medium is defined as a simple reference to some Material <medium name = ”DVAir” matref = ”Gen DVAir”></medium> Additionally, tracking properties can be assigned to the Medium.
Material: medium quality membrane, 43 quired leaves and no contemporary flyleaves, 230 × 135 mm., written space (ruled in brown crayon for a single column, pricking visible), varying between 200 × 88 mm.
Material: medium quality membrane, 42 quired leaves extant, two quires each of 10 leaves missing at the beginning, 200 × 140 mm., written space (ruled in brown crayon for a single column) 155 × 115 mm., 27 lines to the column.