Disposable pay definition

Disposable pay means that part of current basic pay, special pay, incen- tive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, and, in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay, re- maining for each pay period after the deduction of any amount required by law to be withheld. The Commission shall allow the following deductions in determining the amount of disposable pay that is subject to salary offset:
Disposable pay means the amount that remains from an employee’s Fed- eral pay after required deductions for Federal, State and local income taxes; Social Security taxes, including Medi- care taxes; Federal retirement pro- grams, including contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP); premiums for life (excluding amounts deducted for supplemental coverage) and health insurance benefits; Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax levies; and such other deductions that are required by law to be withheld.
Disposable pay means the amount that remains from an employee’s cur- rent basic pay, special pay, incentive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, or in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay re- maining after required deductions for Federal, State and local income taxes; Social Security taxes, including Medi- care taxes; Federal retirement pro- grams; normal premiums for life and health insurance benefits and such other deductions that are required by law to be withheld, excluding garnish- ments.

Examples of Disposable pay in a sentence

  • Disposable pay means that part of current basic pay, special pay, incen- tive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, or in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay re- maining after the deduction of any amount required by law to be withheld.

  • Disposable pay is the current pay that remains after any legally required deductions from earnings are withheld.

  • An amount of money or property which has been determined by an appropriate agency official to be owed to the United States from any person.(d) Disposable pay.

  • Disposable pay definedFor the purpose of this section, the term disposable pay means that part of the compensation of any individual from an employer remaining after the deduction of any amounts required by law to be withheld.(Pub.L. 89-329, title IV,  488A, as added Pub.L. 102-164, Title VI.

  • Up to 15% of the borrower’s disposable pay may be garnished to repay the defaulted student loan.195 Disposable pay is defined as that part of a borrower’s compensation that remains after deducting amounts required by law to be withheld.

More Definitions of Disposable pay

Disposable pay means that part of current basic pay, special pay, incen- tive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, or in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay re- maining after the deduction of any amount required by law to be withheld (other than deductions to execute gar- nishment orders) in accordance with 5 CFR parts 581 and 582. Among the le- gally required deductions that must be applied first to determine disposable pay are levies pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26, United States Code) and deductions described in 5 CFR 581.105 (b) through (f). These de- ductions include, but are not limited to: Social security withholdings; Fed- eral, State and local tax withholdings; health insurance premiums; retirement contributions; and life insurance pre- miums.
Disposable pay. ’ means that part of the com- pensation of any individual from an employer remaining after the deduction of any amounts required by any other law to be withheld.
Disposable pay means, for an offi- cially established pay interval, that part of current basic pay, special pay, incentive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, or, in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay, remaining after the deduction of any amount required by law to be with- held. The FCA shall allow the deduc- tions described in 5 CFR 581.105 (b) through (f).
Disposable pay means that part of the debtor’s compensation (including, but not limited to, salary, bonuses, commissions, and vacation pay) from an employer remaining after the de- duction of health insurance premiums and any amounts required by law to be withheld. For purposes of this part, ‘‘amounts required by law to be with- held’’ include amounts for deductions such as social security taxes and with- holding taxes, but do not include any amount withheld pursuant to a court order.
Disposable pay means that part of current basic pay, special pay, incen- tive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, or in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay re- maining after the deduction of any amount required by law to be withheld. NASA must exclude deductions listed in OPM’s garnishment regulations at 5 CFR 581.105 (b) through (f) to determine disposable pay subject to salary offset.
Disposable pay. ’ means the amount that remains from an employ- ee’s Federal pay after withholding of all deductions listed in 5 CFR 581.105(b) and any other deductions required by law (including, but not limited to, Fed-
Disposable pay means that part of current basic pay, special pay, incen- tive pay, retired pay, retainer pay, or in the case of an employee not entitled to basic pay, other authorized pay re- maining after the deduction of any amount required by law to be withheld. (See 5 CFR 581.105 (b) through (f) for items required by law to be withheld, and therefore excluded from disposable pay for the purposes of this regula- tion).