Examples of Disposal Interest in a sentence
During the Publication Period, qualified bidders may indicate their intention to purchase the Disposal Interest and register themselves as interested bidders.
Pursuant to the Agreement, the profit/loss attributable to the Disposal Interest since 31 May 2019 will be entitled to/assumed by the Purchaser.
The Disposal Interest Consideration will be satisfied through the distribution of RMB125 million (approximately S$24.5 million) in the form of dividends from JAH (the “Dividend Consideration”), and the payment of RMB195 million (approximately S$38.3 million) in cash from the Purchaser (the “Cash Consideration”).
Since the Company is a State-owned enterprise, the Disposal Interest constitutes a State-owned asset and the disposal of which is required to undergo the process of Public Tender through an approved equity exchange in accordance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations governing the disposal of State-controlled assets.
The profit before income tax, minority interests and extraordinary items attributable to the Disposal Interest for the six months ended 30 September 2012 is approximately S$4.4 million.
Therefore, the Potential Disposal, if materialized, based on the audited net asset of the Disposal Interest as of 31 December 2021, is expected to constitute a major transaction of the Company which shall be subject to the reporting, announcement, circular, shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules.
The Minimum Consideration, being the initial bidding price for the Disposal Interest, is expected to be RMB76,500,000, which was determined based on the preliminary asset appraised value of the Disposal Interest on 31 December 2020 and “the capital for investing in Dongting Water + 10% annualized rate of return”, whichever is higher.
As at the date of this announcement, the Minimum Consideration (being the initial bidding price) for the Disposal Interest has not yet been determined, which will be announced when the process of the formal tender commences, the final consideration will depend on the final bidding price of the Public Tender, but will not be less than the Minimum Consideration in any event.
The payment of the Consideration shall be made in accordance with the time and method agreed in the Equity Transaction Agreement in the manner determined by the transferor and transferee of the Disposal Interest.
BACKGROUND The Company has resolved to dispose of the Disposal Interest.