District Curriculum definition

District Curriculum means a curriculum approved for offering within a district, on the basis of student interest, employment demand, and available resources within the district.
District Curriculum means a curriculum approved for offering within a

Examples of District Curriculum in a sentence

  • Led Assignment with District Curriculum – Teachers voluntarily accepting District or non-district students who are not part of an FTE assignment for online/live asynchronous teacher led instruction with District Curriculum taught through the District Learning Management System will be paid a flat rate of $200 per student per semester.

  • The Instruction Committee Chairperson of the Association shall be a member of the District Curriculum Committee.

  • To this end, there shall be a District Curriculum Council (DC2) and Building Improvement Teams (BIT) established for each building in the District.

  • Professional development programs shall be developed and implemented by the District Curriculum Committee.

  • Assessment tools shall be developed and implemented with input from the District Curriculum Teams.

  • MOVE that the Little Falls School District Board of Education approve the re-adoption of all District Curriculum.

  • For example, researchers have found that the UI elements and image representations took for granted in a developed country considered to be strange in developing countries [44].Researchers have identified that gamification and use of game elements as a poten- tial means of encourage participation specially with younger users [18,32,41].

  • The membership of this committee will include the District Curriculum and Instruction Council Chair or designeeas ex officio member, the affected department chair(s), one faculty member, chosen by the department chair(s) from within the program or related discipline and two from outside the program, (chosen by the Curriculum and Instruction Council Chair with the approval ofthe Curriculum and Instruction Council), the affected Division Dean/Administrator and the Vice President(s) of Academic Affairs.

  • The District Curriculum Coordinating Council shall annually establish the District #301 Professional Growth Committee.

  • Such committees shall include, but not be limited to District Curriculum Council, Professional Development Council, District QPA Leadership Committee, NCA, School QPA Committees, Advisory Council and School Site Councils.

Related to District Curriculum

  • District shall hereafter refer to districts that have signed the Agreement for the 2022-23 Program year and agree to be financially responsible as a Cooperative member for the Program costs.

  • Practice of chiropractic means the adjustment of the 24 movable vertebrae of the spinal column,

  • District Manager means the District Manager of the appropriate local district office of the Ministry, where the

  • Practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine means the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of

  • Province means the procuring Department, incorporating the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature.