District Data definition

District Data means information, including, but not limited to, Personally Identifiable Information, business, administrative and financial information, intellectual property information, and other information that is not intentionally made generally available by the District on public websites or publications, that is provided to Vendor by or at the direction of District in the course of Vendor’s performance under this Agreement. “District Data” includes metadata and data derived from the use of District Data and metadata.
District Data means any Personally Identifiable Information, Record, Education Record and all Personally Identifiable Information included therein or derived therefrom that is not intentionally made generally available by the District on public websites or publications but is made available directly or indirectly by the District to Contractor or that is otherwise collected or generated by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Services.
District Data means: 1.6.1. Any and all PII, Record, and Education Records; and 1.6.2. Any and all PII included therein or derived therefrom; and 1.6.3. Health, medical, financial, contract, and employment information about students, employees, and contractors, and their respective families that is protected by various State and federal laws applicable to the Contract or the Addendum or both; 1.6.4. All data and metadata about Data and PII that the Contractor collects, generates, or infers; and 1.6.5. All data and metadata that students generate or infer by using the Services that collect the data; and 1.6.6. Data and information that the District makes available directly or indirectly to the Contractor; and 1.6.7. Data and information that the District DOES NOT also intentionally make or HAS NOT intentionally made generally available on public websites or publications.

Examples of District Data in a sentence

  • The Data Recipient shall then Securely Destroy all copies and back-ups of the District Data, except that the Data Recipient may retain copies and back-ups if and then only to the extent and for as long as required by law.

  • The Data Recipient shall conduct audit trails and take such other reasonable measures to protect District Data against deterioration or degradation of data quality and authenticity.

  • The Data Recipient’s duties under the DPA begin at the earlier of the Effective Date or when the Data Recipient receives District Data.

  • If the District directs the Data Recipient to return the District Data, then the Data Recipient shall transmit the District Data completely, accurately, in a secure manner, and in the format as the District directs and at a minimum in a format that allows the District to reasonably access the District Data.

  • The District grants to the Data Recipient a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use District Data solely for performing its obligations under or otherwise fulfilling the Release Purpose and in accordance with the terms of this DPA and applicable law.

More Definitions of District Data

District Data means any Personally Identifiable Information, Record, Education Record and all Personally Identifiable Information included therein or derived therefrom that is not intentionally made generally available by the District on public websites or publications but is made available directly or indirectly by the District to Infinite Campus or that is otherwise collected or generated by Infinite Campus in connection with the performance of the Services. District Data includes any and all “covered information” as that term is defined in Section 5 of SOPPA (105 ILCS 85/5), and District Data shall constitute “school student records” as that term is defined in Section 2 of ISSRA (105 ILCS 10/2(d)).
District Data means all information obtained by the Contractor from the District or by the Contractor in connection with the Services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to business, administrative and financial data, intellectual property, student and personnel data, and metadata. The term, “District Data” does not include any information made publicly available by the District, except PII from student and personnel data which will be considered “District Data” regardless of whether or not it is made public.
District Data means all information, including, but not limited to, business, administrative, financial, student, and personnel information, work product, and other intellectual property that is: (1) created by EISD, its employees, contractors, agents, affiliates, students, parents, and users, or provided or otherwise made available to Contractor, its employees and agents by EISD, its employees, contractors, agents, affiliates, students, parents, and users through the Services or otherwise in connection with the Services; or (2) gathered by Contractor, its employees and agents through the Services or other means (e.g., Contractor technology) in connection with the Services. District Data includes, but is not limited to, any information that is protected by law, such as “personally identifiable information” and student “education records” as those terms are defined under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC 1232g, as amended (“FERPA”). District Data does not include “de-identified” information as that term is defined by the U.S. Department of Education for purposes of FERPA.
District Data means: 1.8.1. PII, Records, and Education Records; and 1.8.2. PII included therein or derived therefrom; and 1.8.3. Health, medical, financial, contract, and employment information about students, employees, and contractors, and their respective families that is protected by various State and federal laws applicable to the Contract or the Addendum or both; 1.8.4. All data and metadata about District Data and PII that the Contractor collects, generates, or infers; and 1.8.5. All data and metadata that students generate or infer by using the Services that collect the data; and 1.8.6. Data and information that the District makes available directly or indirectly to the Contractor; and 1.8.7. Data and information that the District DOES NOT also intentionally make or HAS NOT intentionally made generally available on public websites or publications. 1.8.8. Materials or content that students and other District constituents create through use of the Services and that is delivered in connection with the Contract and includes, without limitation, essays, research reports, portfolios, music, audio files, photographs, videos, and account information.
District Data means District Data as defined in the DPA section of the Agreement.
District Data means all information, including, but not limited to, business, administrative, financial, student, and personnel information, and work product or other intellectual property that is: (1) created by the District, its employees, contractors, agents, affiliates, students, parents, and users, or provided or otherwise made available to Vendor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors by the District, its employees, contractors, agents, affiliates, students, parents, and users through the Services or otherwise in connection with the Agreement, or (2) gathered by Vendor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors through the Services or other means (e.g., Vendor technology) in connection with the Agreement. District Data includes, but is not limited to:
District Data means any Personally Identifiable Information, Record, Education Records, as defined herein, and all Personally Identifiable Information included therein or derived therefrom that is not intentionally made generally available by the District on public websites or publications but is made available directly or indirectly by the District to Partner or that is otherwise collected or generated by Partner in connection with the performance of the Services, as defined herein.