Examples of Divorce or annulment in a sentence
As used in this section and sections 2807 to 2809:(a) "Disposition or appointment of property" includes, but is not limited to, a transfer of an item of property or another benefit to a beneficiary designated in a governing instrument.(b) "Divorce or annulment" means a divorce or annulment, or a dissolution or declaration of invalidity of a marriage, that would exclude the spouse as a surviving spouse within the meaning of section 2801.
The following QLEs are processed through DEERS and are recognized by TRS: • Marriage; • Birth or adoption of child; • Placement of a child in the legal custody of the member by an order of the court for a period of at least 12 months; • Divorce or annulment; • Death of a spouse or family member, survivor; or • Last family member/survivor becomes ineligible (e.g., child ages out).
Divorce or annulment means the final legal dissolution of a marriage, void or otherwise, that is, the separation of spouses by a judicial decree which confers on the parties the right to remarriage, according to the laws of Guam.
Divorce or annulment on or after October 1, 1982: last day of the month in which divorce or annulment oc- curred, except that section 306 and old- law pension reductions or terminations will continue to be effective the last day of the calendar year in which di- vorce or annulment occurred.
Divorce or annulment prior to Oc- tober 1, 1982: last day of the calendar year in which divorce or annulment oc- curred.