OF ABSENCE. Written requestsfor a personal leave of absence without pay will be considered on an individual basis by the Director of Nursing or her designate. Such requests are to be given as far in advance as possible and a written will be given within fourteen (14) days; except in cases o emergency in which case a replywill be as soon as possible. Such leave shall not be withheld.
OF ABSENCE. During an authorized leave of absence, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority.
OF ABSENCE. The Company will grant leave of absence without pay to any employee with seniority provided the Company is satisfied that the employee can be spared, having due regard for the proper operation of the Company's business. The following general rules will apply in granting such leaves: All applications for leave of absence shall be considered on a seniority basis and absenteeism shall be taken into consideration. Leave of absence will not be granted to work at any other employment. The request for a leave in excess of three (3) days must be in writing at least four
OF ABSENCE. Any Employee desiring leave of absence for any reason other than those set out in Sections and (e) of this Article must obtain authorization in writing from the Company, and the Company and the Guild must mutually agree in writing to the granting of such leave and it will not be unreasonably denied. Where any Employee is granted leave of absence under this Article for a period of longer than thirty (30) calendar days, the Company agrees to notify the Guild as to the circumstances for granting of such period of leave. The Company will grant leave of absence to employees suffering injury or illness, subject to a medical certificate if required by the employer. The Company will grant leave of absence to Employees who are appointed or elected to a Guild office (or who go ashore to work for the Company) for a period up to and including three (3) years. The Employee shall accumulate seniority for three (3) years and then his seniority shall remain dormant until his return. Further leave of absence will be granted if requested. Any Employee who obtains such leave of absence shall return to the Company within thirty (30) calendar days after completion of his term of employment with the Guild. In the event an Employee returns to sea and subsequently returns ashore he shall not be entitled to accumulate seniority for more than the period of his return to sea unless it is for more than one year. Employees going ashore on a temporary basis, less than one year at a time, shall continue to accumulate seniority. By mutual agreement between the parties leave of absence of up to three (3) years may be granted to an Officer who desires to work offshore with an employer engaged in foreign going shipping. Such an Officer’s seniority shall remain dormant from the time leave is granted and until his return to the employ of the Company from which leave was taken. Under this arrangement leave of less than six (6) months will not be granted. The Company will grant leave of absence to Employee who are elected as representatives to attend Guild meetings, Guild conventions, conventions of labour organizations to which the Guild is or any convention to which the Guild nominates the Employee as a delegate on its behalf or act as members of any Guild Negotiating Committee. An Employee shall be allowed to continue to receive his rate of pay from his lay day account including red days up to a maximum of fourteen (14) days, for the purpose of attending such conventions and/or meetings. Whe...
OF ABSENCE. Any Officer desiring leave of absence for any reason other than those set out in Sections and (e) of this Article must obtain authorization in writing from the Company, Company and the Guild must mutually agree writing to the granting of such leave and it Where any Officer is granted leave of absence under this Article for a period of longer than thirty (30) calendar days, the Company agrees to notify the Guild as to the circumstances for granting of such period of leave. The Company will grant leave of absence to Officers suffering injury or illness, subject to a medical certificate required by the employer. The Company will grant leave of absence to Officers who are appointed or elected to a Guild office (or who go ashore to work for the Company) for a period up to and including three (3) years. The Officer shall accumulate seniority for three (3) years and then his seniority shall remain until his return. Further leave of absence will be granted if requested. Any Officer who obtains such leave of absence shall return to the Company within thirty (30) calendar days after completion of his term of employment with the Guild. In the event an Officer returns to sea and subsequently returns ashore he shall not be entitled to accumulate seniority for more than the period of his return to sea unless for more than one (1) year. Officers ashore on a temporary basis, less than one (1) year at a time, shall continue to accumulate seniority.
OF ABSENCE. Bereavement Leave (Full-time and Part-time) Any employee who notifies the Hospital as soon as possible following a bereavement will be granted bereavementleave for up to four (4) consecutive working days off without loss of regular pay from regularly scheduled hours in conjunction with the death of the spouse, child, or parent. Any employee who notifies the Hospital as soon as possible following a bereavement will be granted bereavement leave for three (3) consecutive working days off without loss of regular pay for regularly scheduled hours, in conjunction with the death of a member of his immediate family. “Immediate family” means parent, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother- in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, guardian or step-parent. An employee shall be granted one day bereavement leave without loss of regular pay from regularly scheduled hours for the death of his or her aunt or uncle, xxxxx or nephew. The Hospital, in its discretion, may extend such leave with or without pay. Where an employee does not qualify under the above-noted conditions, the Hospital may, nonetheless, grant a paid bereavement leave. For the purpose of bereavement leave, the relationships specified in the preceding clause are deemed to include a common-law spouse and a partner of the same sex. If required by the Hospital, an employee shall be entitled to leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority and benefits to write examinations to upgrade his or her employment qualifications. A leave of absence, without pay, to take further education related to the employee's work with the Hospital may be granted upon written application by the employee to the administrationof the Hospital. It is further understood and agreed that the Hospital will, whenever its operational requirements permit, endeavour to arrange the shifts of employees attending courses or seminars to permit such attendance. Where employees are required by the Hospital to take courses to upgrade or acquire new employment qualifications, the Employer shall pay the full costs associated with the courses. Subject to operationalrequirements the Hospital will make every reasonable effort to grant requests for an employee to take an educational leave without pay and without loss of seniority of up to twelve (12) months for training related to the employee's employment at the Hospital.
OF ABSENCE. Written requests for a personal leave of absencewithout pay will be considered on an individual basis by the Director of Nursing or her designate. Such requests are to be given as far in advance as possible and a written will be given within fourteen (14) days; except in cases o emergency in which case a reply will be as as possible. Such leave shall not be y withheld. Leave for Association Business b The Hospitalagrees to grant leaves of absence, without ay to nurses selected the Associationto attendAssociation ness including con conventions and Provincial s is set out in the of Local Provisions. During leave of absence, the nurse's and e in lieu of fringe benefits shall be the the local Association agrees to reimbursethe Hospital in the amount of the full cost of such salary and percentage in lieu of fringe benefits except for Provincial Committee meetings which be reimbursedby the Association. The will bill the local Association within a reasonable time. Leave, Board of Directors A nurse who is elected to the Boardof Directorsof the Ontario Nurses' Association, other than to the President, shall be granted upon re such of absence as she may requireto fulfill the of her Reasonable notice sufficient to adequately allow Hospitalto minimize dis- ruption of its services shall be given to the Hospital for such leave of absence. There shall be no loss of seniority or service during such leave of absence. Leaveof absence under this pro- vision shall be in addition to the Association leave provided in Article above. During such leave of absence, the nurse's salary and applicablebenefits shall be maintained by the and the Association agrees to reimburse the the amount of the full cost of such salary and Upon application in by the Association on behalf of the nurse to the Hospital, a of absence shall be granted to such nurse elected to the office of President of the Ontario Nurses' Association for a period of up to two (2) consecutive ears. There shall be no loss of service or seniority during such of absence. During such leave of absence, the nurse's salary and applicable benefits shall be maintained by the Hospitaland the Association agrees to reimburse the Hospi- tal in the amount of the full cost of such salary and applicable benefits. It is understood, however, that during such leave the nurse shall be deemed to be an employee of the Ontario Nurses' Association. The nurse agrees to the Hospital of her intentionto return to work at least two ( ) weeks prior to...
OF ABSENCE. The Company agrees that leave of absence without pay, but with maintenance of seniority and other rights to which an employee is entitled under the Company's policy when on leave of absence, will be granted when operations permit to a maximum of five (5) employees, of which not more than one may be from a given department as defined in Appendix at the same time to carry out Union duties. Such request for leave must be received in writing by the Refinery Manager at least four (4) calendar days in advance of the required leave and will not exceed a period of one (1) year, but may be sub- ject to renewal at the expiration of one (1)year by agreement between the Company and the Union. Individual employees may, with the Company's consent in writing, obtain a leave of absence without pay, not exceeding one (1)month when, in the Refinery Manager's opinion, con- ditions warrant it. The written consent will state the date at which the leave of absence begins and ends and unless the employee concerned returns to work on or before the end of such leave of absence, the employee's name will be removed from the seniority list, unless the employee can prove that there was justifiable reason for the delay. An employee whose name is removed from the seniority list as herein pro- vided and who is allowed to return to work after the expiration date of the leave of absence will, for seniority purposes, be considered as a new employee. However, extensions to the leave of absence not to exceed one month each, may be applied for and, with the Company's consent in writing, xxxxx- xx, provided the employee concerned requests such exten- sion in writing, at least a week before the projected termina- tion of the prior leave of absence. Requests for leave of absence in the vacation period, May 1st to October will receive consideration only under exceptional circumstances. The name of any employee on an authorized leave of absence will be continued on the seniority lists. An employee who received a subpoena for jury or witness duty will be granted leave of absence for that purpose, pro- vided the Company is properly notified. The employee will receive basic pay during this period, in line with work sched- ules.
OF ABSENCE. Written request for of absencewithout pay shall be consideredby the Company. It k understoodthat any leave of absence subject to reasonable notice being to the Company. Inthe event such leave of absence is not used for the purpose granted, the employee may be Subject to disciplinary action up to and dismissal. It is further understoodthat leaves of absence will be honoured on a come first sewed basis. Approval of leave of absence, as defined, shall not be unreasonably withheld. fourteen (14) days of receipt of an applicationfor leave of absence an employee receive a written reply. If leave is denied written reasons will be given for the denial. All requests for leave of absence will be directed to the Manager, Personnel or his appointee through the Store Manager. The Company will grant leave of absence without pay for a period of not more than twelve (12) months to any employee who is elected or appointed to an office with the Union. Such requests for a leave of absence shall be made and the Company shall be given reasonable advance notice. The Company will grant pregnancy leave and/or parental leave, without pay, in accordancewith the EmploymentStandards Act of Ontarioto those employees who make application on forms by the Company, subject to the In order to qualify for specified holiday pay, the employee must work his scheduled shifts on each of the work days immediately preceding and Immediately the holiday concerned, unless he has a reason. The employees shall receive the of any additional holiday that may be proclaimed by the Government during the life of the Agreement. Specified holiday pay will be computed on the basis of eight (8) hours at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate of pay. An employee requiredto work on a specified holiday will be guaranteed a minimum of six hours work, except when he agrees to work less than six (6) hours in which case he will be guaranteed a of four (4) work. Such employee will be paid for work performed on such day at two (2) times his regular straight time hourly rate of pay In addition to any pay to which he may be entitled. If a specified falls within an employee's vacation period, he will be entitled to pay in addition to his vacation pay, or the day may be taken in conjunctionwith hisvacation. When any of the holidays referred to above occurs in any week the regularwork week will be reduced by eight (8) hours for each of such holidays, except a week in which two (2) specified holidays occur. In such a...
OF ABSENCE. The Company will grant leave of absence without pay to employees for the purpose of attending Union conferences, conventions, schools, seminars, Labour College, or attending to Local Union business. All these leaves will be of not less than one (1) day and be subject to the requirements of operations and be granted upon written request by the Local Union to the Superintendent of Employee Relations. This request will include the name of the employee for whom the leave is sought and the length of the leave. Reasonable notice will be necessary and, in the case of leaves of five (5) days or more a minimum of one (1) week notice will be required, unless otherwise agreed. The total number of leaves provided for in Section shall not exceed twenty-five (25) person days per one hundred (100) employees during each year of this Agreement. Time spent by employees on the Local Union Negotiating Committee in preparation and during negotiationsfor renewal of this Collective Bargaining Agreement during the one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the termination of this Collective Bargaining Agreement will not be included in the total number of leaves provided under Section The Company will grant, upon written request by the Union, leave of absence without pay for a period or periods not in excess of one (1) year or less than fourteen (14) days aggregating not more than one year during each year of this Agreement. In addition, upon written request by the Local Union, the Company will grant leave of absence without pay for a period or periods, not in excess of one (1) year or less than five (5) days aggregating not more than one (1) person year during each year of this Agreement to Local Union Officers for Local Union purposes. All leaves will be determined and governed in accordance with the provisions of Section of this Article.