Documented history definition
Examples of Documented history in a sentence
Documented history is evidence in the cumulative record and education plans of a student that demonstrates the inability over time to maintain grade level achievement even with appropriate modifications and accommodations.
Chickenpox): Documented history of valid age-appropriate varicella vaccine, or laboratory evidence of immunity, or strong history of past infection at 12 months of age or greater is required.
Documented history of failure of medical weight loss documented as either participation in a physician supervised nutrition and exercise program OR multi-disciplinary surgical preparatory regimen for at least six consecutive months’ duration; AND E.
Documented history of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) b.
Kindergarten through Grade 6 DTaP, DTP = 5 doses Polio = 4 dosesMMR = 2 doses Hep B = 3 dosesVaricella = 1-2 doses Documented history of varicella by a U.S.licensed practitioner (MD, DO, APRN, or PA) may be substituted.
An HCW is considered immune to mumps if there is:– Documented evidence of vaccination with two doses of mumps-containing vaccine administered at least 28 days apart on or after their first birthday.– Laboratory evidence of immunityi.– Documented history of laboratory confirmed mumps infection.
Signalized intersections that are eligible for RLR Camera Systems include all the following characteristics: • Crashes attributable to red light violations.• Documented history of red light violations where corrective actions have been previously implemented and have proved to be ineffective.• Traffic signal heads have 12-inch displays with LED optics.
D ~ God..2 Documented history exist that; the seven world power; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo- Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo-America; had their various national deities that they had worshipped as gods or goddess; before the emergence of the Christian Religion.
If the court does not so instruct the inspector of election or it is determined that the Management Agreement was not approved by the shareholders, XXX has agreed to support the Board of Director’s recommendation that shareholders vote to approve the Management Agreement at another special meeting of shareholders.
Signalized intersections that are eligible for RLR Camera Systems include all the following characteristics:• Crashes attributable to red light violations.• Documented history of red light violations where corrective actions have been previously implemented and have proved to be ineffective.• Traffic signal heads have 12-inch displays with LED optics.