Double Eagle System definition

Double Eagle System means the intrastate pipeline owned or operated by Double Eagle under the Double Eagle System Tariff.

Examples of Double Eagle System in a sentence

  • Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Joint Tariff shall have the meanings given to them in the definitions set forth in the Double Eagle System Tariff; as such definitions may be modified by this Joint Tariff.

  • Item 24 (Merchantable Oil) of the Double Eagle System Tariff is deleted in its entirety for purposes of this Joint Tariff and replaced with the following: Carrier will establish the grades of Crude Petroleum it will regularly transport as a common stream between particular Origin Point(s) and Destination Point(s) of Carrier.

  • The Crude Petroleum contains any other excessive metals, chemicals, salts, refinery or chemical plant process or by-product materials, or has any othermaterial which may adversely affect the refining process, as determined by Carrier.2.3 Item 50 (Destination Facilities) of the Double Eagle System Tariff is deleted in its entirety for purposes of this Joint Tariff and replaced with the following:FACILITIES REQUIRED AT RECEIPT AND DELIVERY POINTS.

  • Item 50 (Destination Facilities) of the Double Eagle System Tariff is deleted in its entirety for purposes of this Joint Tariff and replaced with the following:FACILITIES REQUIRED AT RECEIPT AND DELIVERY POINTS.

  • Purchase non-potable and untreated water from the City of Carlsbad, Double Eagle System, at the current rates* and in accordance to the City of Carlsbad’s water policies.

  • He explained the Grubbs Water Line is part of the Double Eagle System that has not been used for some time.

  • Item 24 (Merchantable Oil) of the Double Eagle System Tariff is deleted in its entirety for purposes of this Joint Tariff and replaced with the following:Carrier will establish the grades of Crude Petroleum it will regularly transport as a common stream between particular Origin Point(s) and Destination Point(s) of Carrier.

  • Similarity-based image search, also known as Content-based image retrieval (CBIR), is the problem of retrieving similar images to a given query image, based solely on the content (pixels) of the given image and no additional textual (tags) or geographic metadata (e.g. GPS coordinates).

  • For instance, produced or saline water could be supplied to non-potable users serviced by the City of Carlsbad’s Double Eagle System.

  • According to Onsurez (2018), this doubles the capacity for water delivery in Carlsbad from its current 3 MGD to 6 MGD, with the project totaling around $40 million.The City of Carlsbad (2014) also states that it has plans to eventually involve the Tatum water system as well, which is north of the Double Eagle System.

Related to Double Eagle System

  • Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.

  • Ohio Business Gateway means the online computer network system, created under section 125.30 of the Ohio Revised Code, that allows persons to electronically file business reply forms with state agencies and includes any successor electronic filing and payment system.

  • STP means the temperature of fifteen degrees Celsius (15°C) and at a pressure of one hundred and one decimal three two five kilopascals (101.325 kPa).