Underground source of drinking water means an aquifer or its portion:
Drinking water means water that meets criteria as specified in 40 CFR 141 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. "Drinking water" is traditionally known as "potable water." "Drinking water" includes the term "water" except where the term used connotes that the water is not potable, such as "boiler water," "mop water," "rainwater," "wastewater," and "nondrinking" water.
Wellhead protection area means the surface and subsurface area surrounding a water well or well field that supplies a public water system through which contaminants are reasonably likely to migrate toward the water well or well field.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or "SWPPP" means a document that is prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and that identifies potential sources of pollutants that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction site, and otherwise meets the requirements of this Ordinance. In addition the document shall identify and require the implementation of control measures, and shall include, but not be limited to the inclusion of, or the incorporation by reference of, an approved erosion and sediment control plan, an approved stormwater management plan, and a pollution prevention plan.
waste water means used water containing substances or objects that is subject to regulation by national law.
Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.
Water conservation means the preservation and careful management of water resources.
Electrical protection barrier means the part providing protection against any direct contact to the high voltage live parts.
Safe Drinking Water Act means Tit. XIV of the federal Public Health Service Act, commonly known as the “Safe Drinking Water Act”, 42 U.S.C. §300f et seq., as amended by the Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-182, as amended.
Cathodic protection means a technique designed to prevent the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. For example, protection can be accomplished with an impressed current system or a galvanic anode system.
Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.
Waste pile means any non-containerized accumulation of solid, non-flowing waste that is used for treatment or storage.
Waste tire means a tire that is no longer suitable for its original purpose because of wear, damage or defect.
Flood Protection System means those physical structural works for which funds have been authorized, appropriated, and expended and which have been constructed specifically to modify flooding in order to reduce the extent of the area within a community subject to a "special flood hazard" and the extent of the depths of associated flooding. Such a system typically includes hurricane tidal barriers, dams, reservoirs, levees or dikes. These specialized flood modifying works are those constructed in conformance with sound engineering standards.
Hazardous Waste Management Facility means, as defined in NCGS 130A, Article 9, a facility for the collection, storage, processing, treatment, recycling, recovery, or disposal of hazardous waste.
conservation area means the areas of the mineral lease within the solid black boundaries on Plan E being respectively the reserves known as ‘Xxxx’ ‘Serpentine’ and ‘Monadnock’, and parts of the reserve known as ‘Lane‑Xxxxx’;
Transportation System means the facilities at any time in place to receive Shipper’s Gas at the Entry Point(s), process, handle, transport and redeliver the Gas at the Exit Point(s), in accordance with the Transportation Agreement, as detailed in Transportation System Description.
water meter means any apparatus for measuring or showing the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged from any premises;
Sewage sludge means a solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works as defined in section 6111.01 of the Revised Code. "Sewage sludge" includes, but is not limited to, scum or solids removed in primary, secondary, or advanced wastewater treatment processes. "Sewage sludge" does not include ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator, grit and screenings generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works, animal manure, residue generated during treatment of animal manure, or domestic septage.
Air pollution control equipment means a mechanism, device, or contrivance used to control or prevent air pollution, that is not, aside from air pollution control laws and administrative regulations, vital to production of the normal product of the source or to its normal operation.
Plant Protection Gas means the minimum volumes required to prevent physical harm to the plant facilities or danger to plant personnel when such protection cannot be afforded through the use of an alternate fuel. This includes the protection of such material in process as would otherwise be destroyed, but shall not include deliveries required to maintain plant production. A determination will be made by the Seller of minimum volumes required. Such essential volumes will be dispatched accordingly.
Sewage sludge weight means the weight of sewage sludge, in dry U.S. tons, including admixtures such as liming materials or bulking agents. Monitoring frequencies for sewage sludge parameters are based on the reported sludge weight generated in a calendar year (use the most recent calendar year data when the NPDES permit is up for renewal).
Cathodic protection tester means a person who can demonstrate an understanding of the principles and measurements of all common types of cathodic protection systems as applied to buried or submerged metal piping and tank systems. At a minimum, such persons must have education and experience in soil resistivity, stray current, structure-to-soil potential, and component electrical isolation measurements of buried metal piping and tank systems.
Water user means a person, corporation, or other entity having a right to divert water from the Bear River for beneficial use;
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., as amended.
Potable means water suitable for drinking by the public.