DROP member definition

DROP member means a member of the State Police Retirement
DROP member means an eligible member who makes an
DROP member means a member of the Law Enforcement

Examples of DROP member in a sentence

  • I understand that as a DROP member I am eligible for line of duty (accidental) disability benefits only if I am totally and permanently incapacitated for duty as a result of an accident or condition that arises out of or in the course of the actual performance of duty during my participation in the DROP, and without willful negligence on my part.

  • When a DROP member retires, the DROP account may be paid to the member in a single lump sum or rolled over into an eligible retirement plan.

  • The DROP member will be eligible for all other negotiated contractual improvements outside of the pension system.

  • If a DROP member dies before his or her account balance is paid out in full, the participant member’s designated beneficiary shall have the same rights as the member to elect and receive the payout options set forth.

  • In the event that the participating DROP member has elected a joint and last survivor option pursuant to the terms of Section 3-3-33(c), the participating DROP member's surviving spouse shall receive the benefits provided for in Section 3-3-38(a)(1)(B) and the participating DROP member's DROP account balance, and shall begin to receive allowances and benefits pursuant to the joint and last survivor election of the participating DROP member.

  • At the end of the DROP period, the DROP member must terminate employment with the Fairfax County Government and will begin receiving his or her monthly retirement benefit.

  • DROP ACCOUNT - separate account created to accept a DROP member’s monthly pension check while an employee is a DROP member.

  • If a DROP member dies before the DROP account balance is paid in full, the member member’s legal beneficiary shall have the same rights as the member to withdraw the account balance.

  • If a DROP member dies before the DROP account balance is paid, the member’s legal beneficiary shall have the same rights as the member to withdraw the account balance.

  • If a participating DROP member dies during the DROP period, and the participating DROP member's death is a service-connected accidental death as set forth in Section 3-3-38, the member's beneficiary shall receive the benefits provided for in Section 3-3-38(a)(1); if there is no designated beneficiary on record with the System, payment of these amounts shall be to the member's estate.

More Definitions of DROP member

DROP member means a member of the Employees
DROP member means a member of the Law Enforcement OfficersPension System who:

Related to DROP member

  • Life Member means an Individual appointed as a Life Member of the Club under clause 5.2.

  • General Partner means the Company or its successors as general partner of the Partnership.

  • Limited Partner means any Person named as a Limited Partner on Exhibit A attached hereto, and any Person who becomes a Substitute Limited Partner, in such Person’s capacity as a Limited Partner in the Partnership.

  • Service member means a member of the armed forces, a reserve branch of the armed forces, or the Michigan national guard.

  • Associate Member means a person appointed to perform specific statutory and non-statutory duties which have been delegated by the Trust Board for them to perform and these duties have been recorded in an appropriate Trust Board minute or other suitable record.

  • Council Member means a member of the Council;

  • Active member means a member of the pension program or the individual account program