Criminal street gang-related offense means any felony or
Sex offense means an offense defined as a sex offense in RCW 9.94A.030;
Listed offense means that term as defined in section 2 of the sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295, MCL 28.722.
Sexual offense means any of the following offenses:
member of the work-related activity group means a person who has or is treated as having limited capability for work under either—
Drug-related criminal activity means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, use, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, or use of a controlled substance (as defined in Section 102 or the Controlled Substance Act [21 U.S.C. 802]).
Material Related Party Transaction means a transaction with a related party if the transaction / transactions to be entered into individually or taken together with previous transactions during a financial year, exceeds ten percent of the annual consolidated turnover of the company as per the last audited financial statements of the company.
Criminal offense means a public offense, as defined in Iowa Code section 701.2, that is prohibited by statute and is punishable by fine or imprisonment.
Offense means a felony, gross misdemeanor, or crime of moral turpitude.
Most serious offense means any of the following felonies
Flood-related erosion means the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding.
Misdemeanor as used in this Code shall mean any offense deemed a violation of the provisions of this Code which is a lesser offense than a felony as defined by state law.
Bona fide physician-patient relationship means a treatment or counseling relationship between a physician and patient in which all of the following are present:
Drug addiction means a disease characterized by a
sexual offence means an offence —
Felony means a violation of a penal law of this state for which the offender may be punished by imprisonment for more than 1 year or an offense expressly designated by law to be a felony.
Material Related Party Transactions means any transaction/transactions to be entered into individually or taken together with previous transactions during a financial year exceeds 10% of the annual consolidated turnover of the Company as per the last audited financial statements of the Company.
Co-curricular activity means an activity, course, or program that:
Regulated Activities Order means the Financial Services and Markets Act (Regulated Activities) Order 2001;
Drug abuse means any pattern of pathological use of drugs that causes impairment in social or occupational functioning, or that produces physiological dependency evidenced by physical tolerance or by physical symptoms when it is withdrawn.
Real estate-related financial transaction means any transaction involving:
Regulated Activity means any generation, treatment, storage, recycling, transportation, disposal or release of any Hazardous Substances.
Safety Related Function means a function of "The System" that is capable of changing the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle. "The System" may be capable of performing more than one safety related function.
Tobacco-related devices means cigarette papers or pipes for smoking or other devices intentionally designed or intended to be used in a manner which enables the chewing, sniffing, smoking, or inhalation of vapors of tobacco or tobacco products. Tobacco-related devices include components of tobacco-related devices which may be marketed or sold separately.
Education program or activity means locations, events, or circumstances for which the school district exercises substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs and includes school district education programs or activities that occur on or off of school district property.
Health status-related factor means any of the following factors: