Examples of DUI court in a sentence
This model involves increased accountability (usually weekly DUI court sessions before the DUI court team and the Judge) and access to a vari- 59.
Outcome evaluations show significantly better outcomes for DUI court participants than those cases processed through traditional criminal courts in recidivism, cost effectiveness and reduction in substance abuse resulting in reduced costs to tax payers and increased public safety.
In 2002 the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety provided the Judicial Council of Georgia grant funding to evaluate the DUI courts and found at 12 months post-graduation, DUI court participants were almost three times less likely to have a new DUI and less likely to have a new felony or misdemeanor offense3.
Exclusion criteria include possession of drugs in excess of 7 grams or with the intent to distribute, exploitation of minors, suspected promotion of prostitution, a history of violent crime within the last ten years, and pre-existing court-ordered participa- tion in drug court, DUI court, or family court.
For purposes of this section, "alternative court program" shall mean any drug court, Anna McBride or mental health court, DUI court or veterans court.
The DUI court program sought to test whether the drug court model of sanctioning can successfully be transferred to the sanctioning of serious repeat DUI offenders and whether such an approach is more effective than traditional sanctions for such offenders.
Amoroso, Inc.Agreement Date: July 10, 2009Campus: De Anza CollegeProject No.: 7660241Project Name: S2-S6 Phase II – Utility Master Plan Phase IAmount: $66,667For: Miscellaneous change orders: remove and deliver to College existing campus signage; relocation of misc.
With the support of this same worker through the entire process, Emily completed all requirements of DUI court involvement and maintained custody of her children.
Judge Fuchs presented the following proposed forms:• a letter that would be sent to judges whose problem-solving courts are not meeting the presumed best practices criteria• adult DUI court certification checklist• veteran court certification checklist• mental health court certification checklist• family dependency court certification checklist• request for waiver of presumed certification criteria Judge Fuchs provided five problem-solving court checklists.
In addition to the required term of imprisonment for a fifth offense, all of the collateral consequences of a violation of § 55-10-401, including a fine, forfeiture, driver license suspension or revocation, interlock, transdermal, and other monitoring devices, substance abuse assessments, in-patient or out-patient treatment, drug court or DUI court, and conditions of probation shall also apply to a fifth offender.