Examples of During the course of a visit in a sentence
During the course of a visit by, or upon the departure of, select foreign national visitors or guests assessed as high risk or from a country designated by the Department of State as a state sponsor of terrorism (see http://www.state.gov/), the servicing security office or OSY Headquarters will conduct a debriefing of the foreign national’s DSN and other NOAA employees who have had contact with the foreign national.
During the course of a visit to an adult in detention, a detainee may tell their GDWG visitor of a concern they have about a child in their network living in the community (e.g. they fear a young person has been trafficked, or is facing a forced marriage, or a female relative is to be taken abroad for the purpose of FGM), or they may disclose that a child is being abused, neglected or exploited.
During the course of a visit to an adult in detention, a detainee may tell their GDWG visitor of a concern they have about a child in their network living in the community, or may disclose that a child is being abused, neglected or exploited.
During the course of a visit by the applicant, A and Mr. B to the latter’s family in Wales in September 1980, Mr. B was arrested on fraud charges.
Citibank, N.A., CFPB No. 2015-CFPB-0015 (July 21, 2015) http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201507_cfpb_consent-order-citibank-na- department-stores-national-bank-and-citicorp-credit-services-inc-usa.pdf.
During the course of a visit, a provider may identify a need for (and perform) unforeseen services not included in the GFE, like non-routine labs.
During the course of a visit to HMS Belfast, Keith noticed that Jack spent most of the time sitting with Margaret on a bench and, although he was frail, expressed surprise that he had not wanted to explore the ship.
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During the course of a visit, patients may be treated for STIs, given an annual physical and vaccines, started on hormones, and have their chronic conditions managed.
During the course of a visit, every member of the family should be asked if there has been a change to their health or general well-being e.g. recent diagnosis of a medical condition or confirmation of pregnancy.