Examples of EC Savings in a sentence
Subject to changes in factors affecting energy use, as discussed in Section VII of this Agreement, XxXxxxx guarantees that the Client will realize total EC Savings from the EC Measures during each Contract Year of not less than the Guaranteed Energy Savings set forth on Schedule D of this Agreement.
If the EC Savings cannot be met after modification, XxXxxxx will calculate the annual energy use of the EC Measures at the installed efficiency and pay the client the difference between the base year and cost and the calculated cost.
If the EC Measures fail to meet the projected EC Savings, XxXxxxx will repair or modify the EC Measures until the required operation is achieved.
The parties further acknowledge and agree that said EC Savings will not likely be obtained unless certain procedures and methods of operation designed for energy conservation shall be implemented and followed by the Client on a regular basis.
The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that XxXxxxx has entered into this Agreement in material reliance upon the prospect of earning compensation based on projected EC Savings exceeding Guaranteed Energy Savings from the Facilities, as set forth herein.