Economic Minimum definition
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The Economic Maximum Limits, Economic Minimum Limits, Minimum Reductions and Maximum Reductions are not used in determining the amount of energy (MW) in each marginal Supply Offer or Demand Reduction Offer to be cleared on a pro-rated basis.
However, the Day-Ahead schedules resulting from the pro-ration process will reflect Economic Maximum Limits, Economic Minimum Limits, Minimum Reductions and Maximum Reductions.
A Generator Asset that is online as a result of a Self-Schedule will be dispatched above its Economic Minimum Limit based on the economic merit of its Supply Offer.
A Project Sponsor may specify a single MW quantity at or above the Economic Minimum Limit to which offers may be rationed.
Borrower has delivered to the Agent a true and correct copy of the Leases that are marked on Schedule 4.20 hereto to indicate they were so delivered and have granted the Agent access to all other Leases.
From an online state, the Generator Asset must switch fuels within five hours and, if the Generator Asset must shut down to perform the switch, must return to operation at its Economic Minimum Limit within the specified time.
A dynamic De-List Bid may not offer less capacity than the resource’s Economic Minimum Limit at any price, except where the amount of capacity offered is zero.
If no Hourly Economic Minimum Limit is submitted, the default limit will be used.
CTs are permitted to provide an Economic Minimum Limit less than the physical economic minimum value of the unit.
When a unit would not be operating above its Economic Minimum but for the request of the Transmission Owner or distribution company, it shall be flagged as SCR for Net Commitment Period Compensation under Market Rule 1 Appendix III.F.