Minimum definition
Examples of Minimum in a sentence
Minimum emergency facilities and equipment should be available (fire blankets, portable first aid kit,...) in accordance with Directive 89/654/EC.Additional provisions:Act in accordance with the Internal Emergency Plan and the Information Sheets on actions to take after an accident or other emergencies.
Guide for the application and use of procedures for the assessment of exposure to chemical and biological agents.MDHS14/3 General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable and inhalable dust Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) / Derived Minimum Effect Level (DMEL)No information available Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)No information available.
Minimum lease payments made under finance leases are apportioned between the finance expense and the reduction of the outstanding liability.
The Company has reserved from its duly authorized capital stock a number of shares of Common Stock for issuance of the Underlying Shares at least equal to the Required Minimum on the date hereof.
Minimum lease payments are apportioned between the finance charge and reduction of the outstanding liability.