Examples of Economic opportunity in a sentence
Indeed, in 2019, most Americans recognized that “a shortage of trust in government and in other citizens makes it harder to solve some of the nation’s key problems.”175 Economic opportunity and democracy are conjoined values.
The following goals are identified in the Plan: • Connected, safe, respected and resilient people, families and communities• Accessible, safe and welcoming places for all people• A sustainable environment and shared open spaces• Communicating, actively engaged Council• Economic opportunity for people The priorities are supported by a number of actions across Council acknowledging the contribution of all departments to the health and wellbeing of the community.
In fact, when developing its model, NHTSA finds that the model over- predicts the final remaining share of a vehicle model year fleet and has to force its model projections to match observed historic data.
Economic opportunity must be equitably distributed among the entire range of potential workers.
The five main variables made use of to measure the global gender gap in The World Economic Forum’s report, for instance, were as mentioned: Economic participation, Economic opportunity, Political empowerment, Educational attainment and Health and Wellbeing.
Economic opportunity for landless women either through homestead gardening or poultry or goat rearing linking with existing opportunities either from government or non-government organizations has created capacity to take the family level decisions especially about their children's nutrition and also children's education.
Scoring8 points – Yes with evidence of how you will implement, monitor and measure 0 points – Yes without evidence0 points – No QuestionMaximum PointsResponse Score(Completed by the City)1.1a16 1.1b8 1.28 1.38 1.48 Total48 Section 2: Economic opportunity and integration for underrepresented groups1.
Economic opportunity does not necessarily translate into incentives to manage resources sustainably for all actors in the value chain.
Economic opportunity costs might play a bigger role in deterring crime in contexts where reintegration programs are less effective at providing economic assistance to ex-combatants.
Economic opportunity activities under the AHAP umbrella program can be characterized as either financial services or business development services (BDS).