Examples of Other Transaction in a sentence
In accordance with 10 U.S.C. § 2371b(f), the Government may award a follow-on production contract or Other Transaction (OT) for any OT awarded under this BAA if: (1) that participant in the OT, or a recognized successor in interest to the OT, successfully completed the entire prototype project provided for in the OT, as modified; and (2) the OT provides for the award of a follow-on production contract or OT to the participant, or a recognized successor in interest to the OT.
Proposers responding to this BAA requesting a Grant, Cooperative Agreement, Technology Investment Agreement, or Other Transaction for Prototypes shall follow the applicable rules and regulations governing these various award instruments, but, in all cases, should appropriately identify any potential restrictions on the Government’s use of any Intellectual Property contemplated under the award instrument in question.
Proposers responding to this BAA requesting a Grant, Cooperative Agreement, Technology Investment Agreement, or Other Transaction for Prototype shall follow the applicable rules and regulations governing these various award instruments, but in all cases should appropriately identify any potential restrictions on the Government’s use of any Intellectual Property contemplated under those award instruments in question.
The Government reserves the right to award a contract or an Other Transaction for any purpose, to include a prototype, under this CSO.
DARPA/I2O will employ an electronic upload submission system (https://baa.darpa.mil/) for UNCLASSIFIED proposals requesting award of a procurement contract or Other Transaction under this solicitation.