EDFR definition

EDFR means the Eurosystem Deposit Facility Rate, the rate on the deposit facility, which banks may use to make overnight deposits with the Eurosystem (comprising the European Central Bank and the national central banks of those countries that have adopted the Euro) as published on the Website of the European Central Bank;
EDFR means the rate on the deposit facility (Eurosystem Deposit Facility Rate), i.e. the rate of inter- est for banks making deposits with the Eurosystem until the next TARGET Business Day which is pub- lished on the Website (EDFR).
EDFR means, in respect of any relevant day, the rate on the deposit facility, which banks may use to make overnight deposits with the Eurosystem, in respect of that day;

Examples of EDFR in a sentence

  • EDFR contends that a lack of adequate transfer capability can cripple clean energy generation.180 EDFR further explains that, under many offtake agreements in RTO/ISO markets, the developer is paid a fixed price for energy at a market hub and if congestion limits the project’s ability to deliver power to the hub, then the developer bears the risk (known as basis risk).

  • In the last two years, EDF-R has seen an increase in the use of bi-facial modules in utility-scale projects such that the use of such bi-facial modules is essentially a specific requirement.

  • Generator owners and representatives are also generally supportive of the proposed AAR requirements.179 EDFR argues that getting the transmission line rating policy right is important due to the urgency of addressing the climate crisis and President Biden’s carbon emissions reduction goals.

  • EDFR argues that congestion is difficult to hedge in an effective way because system topology andconditions change unexpectedly over time, but states that more accurate transmission line ratings will decrease basis risk and hedging difficulties.181 EDFR contends that prioritization should not only consider historical congestion, but should consider future congestion based on transmission planning, interconnection, and transmission service studies for purposes of prioritizing implementation.18277.

  • When meshes are non-matching, an interpolation or projection step has to be carried out to enable transfer of information between the two domains.

  • Respondent is an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute EDFR prohibited conduct.

  • EDFR in accordance with Paragraph 3.7.b.(3) will develop standards for professional development opportunities, as applicable.

  • Besson, S.Leclercq, Law of behavior for A304 steels and A316 of the interns of tank under irradiation, Notes EDF/R & D - HT 5/26/045 /A, 2005.

  • Complainant is an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute EDFR prohibited conduct.

  • This research used mixed research methodology in different stages during a period of two years, that is, during March 2016 – August 2018, conducted mainly by the application of EDFR (Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research), which is more applicable, flexible, adapted from the Delphi method [15].

More Definitions of EDFR

EDFR means the Eurosytem Deposit Facility Rate, being the rate on the deposit facility, which banks may use to make overnight deposits with the Eurosystem and which is published on the European Central Bank’s website.

Related to EDFR

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  • Virginia Stormwater Management Program or “VSMP” means a program approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, that has been established by a locality to manage the quality and quantity of runoff resulting from land-disturbing activities and shall include such items as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement, where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and associated regulations.

  • ITC (this Section2 of the RFP) means the Instructions to Consultants that provides the Consultants with all information needed to prepare their Proposals.

  • Stormwater management plan means a document containing material describing methods for

  • Virginia Stormwater Management Program authority or "VSMP authority" means an authority approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, to operate a Virginia Stormwater Management Program.

  • Holdings as defined in the preamble hereto.