Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. You shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for Me with respect to any account(s) that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against Me, and You shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. You understand and agree that we or Clearing Firm shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for you with respect to any Account which is or has been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against you, and we and Clearing Firm shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. The Broker shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for the Customer with respect to any of the Customer Accounts that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against the Customer, and the Broker shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. Robinhood shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for Me with respect to any of My Accounts that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against Me, and Robinhood shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. FTX shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for the Customer with respect to any of the Customer Accounts that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against the Customer, and FTX shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. Company shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for Me with respect to any of My Investing Accounts that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against Me, and Company is under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. You shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for Me with respect to any
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. Axos Clearing shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for You with respect to any account(s) that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding ag ainst You, and Axos Clearing shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. You shall not be liable for refusing to obey any instruction given by or for Me with respect to any of My Accounts that has or have been subject to an 13. Efeito da Penhora ou da Penhora de Contas. Você não será responsável por se recusar a obedecer a qualquer instrução dada por mim ou para mim a respeito de qualquer uma das Minhas Contas que tenha ou tenham attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against Me, and You shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration. sido sujeitas a embargo ou sequestro em qualquer processo legal contra mim, e Você não terá nenhuma obrigação de contestar a validade de tal embargo ou sequestro.
Effect of Attachment or Sequestration of Accounts. Hapi shall not be liable for refusing to obey any orders given by or for Me with respect to any of My Accounts that has or have been subject to an attachment or sequestration in any legal proceeding against Me, and Hapi shall be under no obligation to contest the validity of any such attachment or sequestration.